Fleurs Captives

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"Думаешь, он оставит меня здесь, как в прошлый раз, когда мы были в Германии?" (Think he's gonna leave me here like last time we were in germany?) Maia joked but Bucky could tell there was an underlying sadness in her tone.

"Если бы он попытался это сделать, я бы его убил." (If he tried that I'd kill him.) Bucky assured Maia making her laugh slightly.

"Я не думаю, что Рейнору это понравится." (I don't think Raynor would like that.) Maia shot back making Bucky's lip curl upwards a little.

"Я не думаю, что ей что-то нравится." (I don't think she likes anything.) Bucky stated and Maia immediately agreed.

"English please." Sam stated earning a glare from both of them.

A few minutes passed and there was silence coating the room as Bucky and Maia glared at Sam, he tried to reciprocate the look but was miserably failing.

"One minute to drop off, Sam." Torres said in a strangely chirpy voice as he walked across the jet, Maia assumed he was his work partner.

The silence returned and Sam leant forward slightly, Bucky did the same but Maia stayed as she was. It was more intimidating if you acted as if you didn't care when your opponent tried to make themselves look bigger.

Suddenly Sam got up, Bucky and Maia followed. "So what's our plan?" The brunette man asked as he handed Maia an earpiece, he was met with silence from Sam.

"Great. So no plan." Maia scoffed as Sam put his own earpiece in.

"Thirty seconds!" Torres yelled from the jet's side door.

"Enjoy your ride, Maia and Buck." Sam stated.

"No, you can't call me that." Maia snapped slightly.

"You cant call me that either." Bucky joined in.

"Why not? That's what everyone else calls you." Sam replied, his gaze focused on Maia and ignoring Bucky.

"Because I don't fuckin' like you and everyone else would have a plan." Maia scoffed.

"Fifteen seconds to drop." Sam's partner said.

"I have a plan." Sam defended as he started walking over to the jet door.

"Oh, do share with the class." Maia sarcastically stated as she followed Sam to the door.

"Really?" Bucky asked in disbelief as he got up and walked over to the other brunette. "What is it?"

Sam didn't respond before jumping out the jet. "Can I kill him now?" Maia requested with a smile on her face, Torres looked at her like she was crazy so Bucky glared at her.

"Where's the chute?" Bucky asked as he looked around the jet.

"We're at 200 feet. It's too low for a chute dumbass." Maia chuckled.

"I don't need it anyway." Bucky assured her and she rolled her eyes as he ripped his jacket sleeve off to give his metal arm more freedom.

"You're not special, me neither." Maia responded before the both of them jumped out of the jet.

Bucky let out a scream that made him sound like a little girl as he crashed through trees before landing on his back. Unfortunately for him, Maia used him to cushion her own fall.

"Thanks Jamie." Maia groaned as she rolled off the man and stumbled to her feet.

"You're not welcome." Bucky shot back.

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