We're In Love

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"Where are you staying?" Maia asked Sky as they walked around 7-Eleven, it was 4am and they had been driving around the remote areas of Upstate New York for hours, Maia's bike needed petrol and they both fancied a slushy.

Maria had been calling Maia nonstop but was ignored, she had just got Sky back, all both of them wanted was one night alone with eachother.

"Uh...nowhere." Sky chuckled slightly.

"You can stay with me." Maia replied as she started filling her cup up with blue raspberry slushy and Sky filled her own up with wild cherry. "You could climb through my window, I'd lock my bedroom door so Maria doesn't just walk in."

"Ok." Sky smiled before they paid for their things, Maia also paying for fuel, before going to the car park so they could drink their slushy's. "Have you spoken to my mom recently?"

"No, I don't think so." Maia responded. "Why?"

"She cut her hair and dyed it blonde." The redhead chuckled.

"I reckon that's the worst part about being on the run." Maia stated, making Sky immediately agree with her.

They quickly drunk their slushy's but stayed in the car park for a little longer. "Your hair is lighter than I remember." Sky said while looking up and Maia and running her hand through the blondes hair.

"It's naturally brown now but, I bleach it." Maia admitted making Sky's face drop.

"Is that why it's so dead?" The redhead teased earning a shove from the blonde.

"My hair is not dead!" Maia defended with a smile on her face. "Maybe a little fried but not dead!"

Sky quirked her brow with a smirk on her face as Maia leant against a wall, Sky trapped the blonde between the wall and herself before their lips connected. After a few minutes they pulled away for air but once they caught their breath, their lips were immediately together again.

Maia's hands made their way to Sky's lower back and pulled her closer to her. The redhead moaned into Maia's mouth making her smirk.

"I think it'd look cute brown." Sky whispered against Maia's lips.

"Bella?" A familiar voice yelled from the other side of the road in a orange Audi R8.

Maia pulled back from Sky and spotted Tony, her heart dropped. Why was he even out at this time? "Who's Bella?" Sky asked.

"Me." Maia sighed as the billionaire quickly parked and rushed over to the teenagers. "Tony...why are you here?"

"I wanted ice cream." He answered like it was the most obvious thing ever. "Why are you here? And why are you with someone who looks just like Romanoff?"

"Uh..." Maia trailed off trying to think of an excuse to his questions.

"I'm Skylar." Sky told Tony. "It's nice to meet you."

"And you two are what? Girlfriends? Friends with benefits?" He asked as Maia shifted uncomfortably.

"Girlfriends." Sky answered making Tony nod as a smile spread across Maia's face.

"And why are you out at 4:38am?" Tony questioned but he was met with silence. "Do I need to call Maria?"

"No." Maia assured him. "I haven't seen Sky in eight years, we just want one night by ourselves without Maria asking questions."

"And why do you look just like Nat?"

"She's my mom." Sky awkwardly replied making Tonys face drop.

"Oh...well I'll leave you two alone, have a good day and drive safe." The billionaire said before quickly running back to his car and driving off.

"I wanna meet Maria." Sky blurted out, Maia's head whipped round to look at the redhead to see if she was joking or not. "What's the worst that can happen, right?"

"Let's go." Maria grinned.


When they got to Maria's house there was another motorbike outside, which confused Maia but Sky just assumed it was Maria's. Maia unlocked the door and locked it behind her and Sky.

"Get your damn clothes on!" Maria angrily yelled from upstairs before there was some clattering.

"I think we interrupted something." Sky whispered.

"Guess we know why she stopped calling." Maia chuckled as Maria appeared at the bottom of the stairs with Natasha.

"Where have you been?" Maria asked angrily.

"Ria-" Natasha tried to stop her from scolding the blonde but she was glared at by the very, very pissed off brunette.

"It is 5 o'clock in the god damn morning! I have been more than worried!" Maria yelled making Maia scoff.

"So worried you had to fuck Natasha?" Maia shot back.

"That is none of your business!" Maria shouted, running her hands through her hair. "Where have you even been? And who are you?"

"That's Skylar." Natasha answered making Maria's face drop.

"It's nice to meet you." Sky said with a forced smile on her face.

"It's nice to meet you too." Maria muttered in disbelief before turning her attention back to Maia. "Get your ass in the kitchen right now."

The blonde rolled her eyes and sighed before doing as Maria said. "Where have you been? You've been gone for hours!" Maria yelled.

"Okay...you're not going to understand what I'm about to say and that's fine!" Maia warned, matching Maria's volume of voice. "I haven't seen Sky in eight years so we wanted some time to talk without you listening in and asking questions! It's not that big of a deal!"

"Not a big deal?" Maria scoffed in disbelief. "I thought you were dead!"

"Oh, I'm so sorry that I worried you so much that you had to have sex with your ex-fiancée or whatever you two are!" Maia shouted back at the brunette.

"What is going on with you lately?" Maria asked, concern seeping into her tone. "Is it about Sam?"

Maia's eyes filled with tears but she blinked them away. "Don't." She warned. "Don't you dare mention him."

"It's okay to miss him, i do." Maria said earning another scoff from the blonde.

"I don't miss him, if I got the chance I would kill him with no hesitation or regret." Maia lied making Maria sigh. "So don't you dare tell me I should miss him."

"I didn't say that." Maria defended.

"You didn't have too." Maia scoffed before leaving the kitchen and going upstairs.

Sky was sitting on her bed. Maia laid down, pulling Sky down with her making the redhead giggle. Sky's laugh immediately made her feel better so a smile spread across her face as Sky turned to face her.

"Are you okay?" Sky asked, tucking a piece of stray hair behind Maia's ear.

"Yeah." The blonde grinned.

The two settled into a comfortable silence as they both let sleep take over them, happy to finally be in each others arms.

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