Setenta y Siete

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Namjoon together with Jin watches how the graveyard keeper do his job in re-doing Jin's burial grave that was unrespectfully dug by whoever that may be.

Jin bought fresh flowers from the flower shop when the man asks him to accompany him to his ex-lovers grave, he doesn't know what type of flowers the deceased likes so he just went to what flower he loves and chose protea and asked the florist to add a bit of wisteria to compliment. When Namjoon picked him up at the shop, he was suprised upon seeing the flowers Jin had picked.

Who wouldn't? When it was exactly Jin and his favourite flower combination. Namjoon really finds it odd that a lot of the Jin he is with now acts exactly like his Jin from before. He wants to think it might be just a coincidence but how could he when this had happened more than a few times? Could it be that this Jin is the reincarnation of his Jin before?

But as much as he wants to think that, he knows how badly it could hurt the Jin that he is with, if he is just someone from his past that he is being compared with when in reality he is a different person.

However he didn't fail to notice how Jin seems to be out of it as he stares at the cold gravestone that has his ex-lover's name. What he didn't know though is Jin is trying not to cry infront of them because the more he is standing near his own gravestone, the more painful the piercing on his heart is. No, he is not jealous nor trying to compete with the ex-lover of Namjoon but he don't understand why he feels this certain way as he reads the name on the gravestone and shivers run down his body like he can feel all the longing, hate and pain Namjoon had spent his entire life on this place infront of the gravestone.

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