Chapter Seven

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 Part two: let's hit the road

 Marceline Phelan

 We woke up the next day at around four. So we just went out for dinner and shopped a little.

Today was definitely not going to waste. Wyatt rented two jeeps. Today we were gonna go visit different beaches and places on the island. I was wearing red denim shorts and a white sleeveless top with the American flag on it. I borrowed Vivian's hipster heart shaped black shades. We were currently sitting in front of the gas station waiting for Serenity. She went to buy snacks and water.

 I was in a jeep with Wyatt and Jerome. Wyatt driving and me sitting shotgun. "She's taking a life time." I whined.

"We are six people. She has to get enough stuff for all of us." Wyatt replied.

"She sure is slow." I muttered annoyed.

Finally she comes out with three full bags and I sigh relieved. It's not like she has to buy the whole damn store! "I'm back." She stated.

"Here." She says handing us two bags. Oh yeah, I forgot. I'm in a jeep with two grown up boys. They eat more than the whole population of China! Okay that isn't true but you know what I mean.

"Can we hit the road? It's already ten. The sun is gonna be burning hot if you guys don't hurry up!" I stated annoyed. These people really know how to get me worked up in anger.

"Here," Jerome said pushing a snickers in my hand.

"What for?" I asked holding up the chocolate bar.

"You're not you when you're hungry," he said, trying to hold a straight face.

"Shut up you bucko! Pass me a water bottle!" I ordered and e mumbled saying something around the lines of "You are never fun Marceline." I am a ton of fun!

"Here." Jerome said handing me the bottle of water.

"I read somewhere that Aruba has one of the best drinking water on the planet." Wyatt decided to inform us.

"I heard that too." Jerome said from the backseat.

"That's lovely but we got to get moving!" I demanded.

"Who thought you could be so cranky?" Wyatt shook his head at my bratty behavior.

"I'm not cranky. But I want to explore the island already and you guys just sit here like we have a millennium!" I said throwing my arms up in the air, huffing.

"Fine," Wyatt replied. "Easton, let's head out first to Eagle beach."

"Alright." Easton answered and finally we started moving.

We drove by people and places till we pulled up in front of a beautiful white sand blue water beach. "Wow." I breathed out.

"It's so pretty!" Vivian exclaimed.

"Help me grab the stuff, Marce." Jerome said and I turned to help him.

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