23. Rich Kids live happily ever after

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  - Marceline's Pov -  

16 years later.

"Where are you going?" I asked him just as I finished french braiding Mallory's hair. She looked up and smiled at me.

"Thanks mom," She said before she ran off, probably to go make Jerome go to the pool with her.

I turned my gaze back to the brown haired boy in front of me. "I'm just going to meet, Brody down by the beach," Axel explained.

"Can you please tell me where you're going before you leave the room?" I requested and he nodded.

"Where you off to, bud?" Jerome asked him when he entered the room. A very excited looking Mallory by his side.

"Me and Brody are gonna hang out down by the beach," Axel told him and I stared at them in confusion when they shared a small smile of their own.

"It's because Hillary and Heidi have their bikinis on," Mallory admitted and Axel glared down at her.

"That's not true!" Axel protested.

"Yes it is! I heard you and Brody talking about how ho-" Axel quickly covered Mallory's mouth his hand and shot me a worried smile.

"You better not be hitting on those girls," I warned. "And let Mallory go."

"Just don't hit on them in front of Wyatt," Jerome told him and I slapped his chest.

"Don't tell him that," I said and Jerome and Axel just laughed.

"You leave those girls alone," I ordered Axel and he smiled and hugged me tightly. For a sixteen year old boy he was already taller than me and he's almost as tall as Jerome.

"I will mom," He said but I knew my son better.

"Be back for dinner. We're eating out with everyone at a restaurant at six so I expect you to be back by five. No later than that please," I told him and he nodded his head and picked up his blue towel and walked out.

I smiled. He was the spitting image of my brother. He had Traceton's brown hair and his brown eyes. He is a very handsome fellow. Yes, Axel is Traceton's son. Axel was born five weeks after Brody was born and Ava, Axel's biological mother, handed Axel to him a day later.

My brother passed away when Axel was three years old. He died in a car accident. He was in the passengers seat of his best friend's car. They both died instantly. It was only logical for me to be Axel's legal guardian. So when I was twenty five I became his mother and me and Jerome raised him as our own. I knew that's what Traceton would've wanted and Axel has brought nothing but happiness to our lives.

Ava was right when she said her career was picking up. When Axel was eight, she was a world known super model. We send her pictures of him, we still do. She sends birthday presents and Christmas presents every year. We told Axel when he was fifteen that Ava and my brother Traceton are his biological parents. He took it surprisingly well.

"We're going to the pool. Easton and Wyatt are there too with their kids," Jerome informed and I nodded and reached up to kiss his cheek.

"Alright, I'll go grab lunch with the girls," I told him and he nodded and grabbed two towels for him and our daughter.

"Make sure you grab some lunch for both of you, okay?" I told him and he smiled and nodded. I kissed Mallory's forehead and she smiled up at me.

She had Jerome's blue eyes and strawberry blond hair. She didn't like her hair to be too long. Therefor her straight hair reached her just a little past her shoulders. She is eleven and the cutest girl ever.

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