Chapter Eight

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Part three: I know so much about you, it's crazy

Marceline Phelan

Tomorrow we were leaving the island and I was sad. We had so much fun. We went back to the places we visited because we didn't feel like we actually saw stuff. We even went on a catamaran and spend yesterday entirely at the beach. I had a pretty decent tan and I was happy.

We were just sitting in Wyatt and Jerome's room. Serenity and Easton were on a romantic dinner shit Easton prepared.

"I am so hungry!" I whined.

"Yeah I can use some food," Jerome said rubbing his stomach.

"I can go," Wyatt offered.

"Oh please do," I pleaded.

"What do you guys propose we eat?" He asked us.

"Sushi!" I said quickly.

"I like sushi," Vivian nodded.

"Yeah me too!" Jerome piped in.

"Sushi it is," Wyatt said standing up and patting his pockets to see if he has his wallet.

"I'll come with," I said standing up.

"Err...I need to talk to Marcie So you guys can go, yeah?" Jerome quickly pulled me back down.

"But I want to go," I frowned.

"You can't because this is important, so run along now mate," he gestured for Wyatt and Vivian to leave.

"Err okay," Wyatt frowned but still grabbed the keys to the jeep and walked out.

As soon as I heard the door click I turned to look at Jerome. "What was that about?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I wanted to be alone."

My heart rate just picked up. He wanted to be alone, with me, in a room. All alone.

"So what about school?," I said a little slowly.

"I didn't really wanna talk about school," he rubbed the back of his neck.

"So why did you stop me from going to get sushi?" I crossed my arms and arched a brow, waiting for his reply.

He stood up, "I wanted to tell you something for awhile now but I didn't know when...or how."

"You can tell me," I urged for him to go on.

"Maybe I can show you?" He said a little unsure.

"Show me?" I asked frowning deeply once I saw him walking closer. "What are you..?"

I let that question hang in there and focused on what he was doing. He was taking light steps towards me as if I was about to just sprint away like a dear in the headlights.

My back hit the wall and my heart started to race. Oh my gosh. Jerome Land was going to kiss me.

I closed my eyes shut. This was not happening!

I could feel his hot breath on my face. "Can I?"

He brushed a few strands out of my face. My heart was beating so fast I could hear it and I bet Jerome could hear it too. I couldn't answer his question cause I didn't even no the answer. My heart was begging me to let him kiss me while my mind was still processing the pro's and con's.

I let out a little gasp when I felt his lips brush mine. Jerome had kissed me before but then I didn't feel this way. Now I'm confused and my hormones are acting wacky.

Rich KidsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora