Chapter Eleven

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Marceline Phelan

"I don't like it!" I whined for like the seventh time.

"I think it looks good," Jaycie admitted, circling me to have a good look at the dress.

"Yeah Marce, it looks stunning!" My mom gushed.

I frowned when I looked at myself in the mirror. I don't like that its and the ribbon makes me feel like a prize your dog wins at some stupid dog race. "No, I want to try another one," I made up my mind.

The lady sighed but followed me in to the changing rooms to help me out of the dress. "What are you looking for specifically?" She asked me when I handed her the dress.

"Not a long dress, just a short dress but not too short. I don't want to look too sophisticated even if this is a big event with mayor. I want to be fun but still classy," I explained. She looked thoughtful but nodded slowly.

"I think I have a dress," she said and made her way outside of the changing place.

Two weeks ago I found out that Wyatt was organizing a charity auction for the education for all the children in need. We all supported him and helped with donating money and stuff. Giving back to the community of Denver was something important even for me. So yes I was going to support my friend and to give a hand in anyway possible. It just gives you this warm feeling inside that your helping where you grew up at.

The door opened again and the lady came back with a white dress. At first I wasn't too fond about the dress but the more I looked at it, the more I liked it. It had long sleeves and it puffed up a little bellow the white belt. The back of the dress was open and I really liked it. "It's pretty," I stated still admiring the dress.

"Try it on, your mom is dying to see it," the lady said and I chuckled. Mom would totally tell her to say that.

"Did she help pick this out?" I asked her.

She nodded, "she insisted but I guess she was right. You would like it."

I smiled a little. "I'll be out in a minute," I told her and she nodded and closed the door.

As soon as I walked through the door my mom gasped. Jaycie nodded and that was a lot for her considering she doesn't do dresses. "Oh honey that's so you! The plain color that will look great on your skin and that cute belt," she said looking at me proudly.

"I like that its nothing to va va voom," I admitted twirling around.

"Who do you decide on bringing to the event?" Mom asked.

"Jaycie hates social gatherings because she's so antisocial," I stated playfully glaring. "Trace is gonna ditch me for girls and Harper is out of town with her boyfriend."

She looked pleased at my answer and nodded slowly. "Oh, well I'm not really doing anything," she said shrugging lightly.

I knew that she was dropping hints but I'm not going to let her persuade me in to bringing her. Last time I did bring her to my high school graduation, she jumped up and started cheering. "That's my daughter, the one with the red hair. Go Marcie, momma loves you!" Those words still echo through my head like that bad Rebbecca Black song.

"Oh cool," I replied still eying my dress in the mirror.

"I mean I cancelled my bingo club meeting and everything," she said. "I have nothing else to do." She sighed.

Don't do it. Don't give in. Don't- "You wanna be my date mom?" The words came out before I can stop them. Even Jaycie was shaking her head in pure disappointment.

"Really honey?" She asked fake gasping and putting her hand on her heart.

"Yes mom, I wouldn't want to bring anyone else," I told her, whilst I smiled as brightly as I could. Jaycie was standing behind her and motioned with her hand to tone down the smile. I did and she gave me a thumbs up.

"Aw, baby girl!" She rushed over to throw crush me in a hug.

"Now I have to find a dress, how exciting is that?!" She squealed. She turned back to look at the lady. "I would like to try that blue dress."

"Not a problem!" The lady said and hurried off to get it.

"Don't let her get too close to the mayor, they will sue," Jaycie stated and plopped on to the seat for the buyers.

I groaned. Why did I say yes?


"Why is it that I always end up waiting for mom?" I asked Jaycie as she sat on the sofa munching on some Twix.

"She wants to beat perfection," she stated simply.

"I don't understand though, she looks perfect without even trying. I need to do all this shit," I said pointing at my hair and makeup. "To look decent," I finished.

"That's life," she replied as if I bored her.

"What are you watching anyways?" I asked her as I glanced at the TV.

"Dexter," she said lamely.

"He creeps me out," I admitted staring at the TV.

"He creeps everyone out," she answered grabbing another Twix to eat.

Finally Lottie graced me with her presence. She looked beautiful, of course. "I'm ready," she stated and smiled brightly.

Jaycie turned to look at her and then me. She pointed at mom. "Stay away from the mayor!" She mouthed.

I nodded and we made our way outside. We had to make the driver wait. Wyatt demanded we all get here in sleek cars and I was just against it but yeah. It's his event I have to suck it up.

We pulled up in front of the place and it was really classy. I could see paparazzi and I suddenly tensed up. "Mom, what do I say?" I asked frantically.

"How happy you are to-"

"Madams Mr. Molbrook requested you join him immediately because you are already late," he said and I nodded. He got out and opened the door. Me and mom got out and my eyes got attacked by the flashing light of the cameras. "Marceline! Marceline can we talk to you?" A lady shouted over the voices.

I turned around to look at mom and she nodded. I walked over there with the body guards which I think were not necessary. "Here we have another one of the 'Rich Kids' with us. This is Marceline Phelan, how are you miss Phelan," she asked me smiling at me and then at the cameras.

"I'm great thank you," I replied smiling at her.

"So Marceline tell Denver, tell America how you and your group of friends got the titled of 'the rich kids'," the lady said.

We were known as the rich kids? I did not know. "We are some college students on summer break and we came back from a friend's wedding, we ended up at a convenient store because one of us got sick. We ended up with a couple of dollars after we bought snacks and stuff and just bought a ticket," I explained.

"What was the first thing that went through your head when you found out? What was the feeling you got?" She asked me faking one of her smiles for the camera.

"It was so surreal, I couldn't believe it. It was insane and I was...shocked and excited. It was just a great moment. You never ever think that you might actually win. I mean in my twenty one years of living, I never thought that we would win anything. So it was just really a shockingly awesome moment," I concluded.

"Now Marceline when your fellow rich kid told you about this event, did you immediately agree on it?" She asked me.

I think this was live. "Yes, this event is not only for charity but it gives back to the community. We all live here in Denver and I think we should give back to where we are from. Education is really important so I'm all up for that," I stated with a smile towards her.

"The last question for you Marceline," she started and I nodded for her to continue. "How has the lottery changed you?"

I had to pause and think. "I think you can ask anyone if money changed me. I'm the same Marceline as I was before. I still eat at McDonald's and still buy stuff on sale. I came from a normal family and I will always want to maintain it that way. I was raised a real down to earth girl and appreciative. I think that's the way it should it be. Always remember where you come from and who you are and you'll be fine. I would be lying if I say money doesn't open opportunities 'cause it does but it shouldn't change who you are if you don't let it. To  answer your question, money didn't changed me, but it did change my life, it opened opportunities I never dreamed of ever of," I said and I had enough so when she said thank you Marceline I smiled and finally met my mom.

"You were great baby doll!" She commented and hugged me. I stopped to hug her back.

"I didn't know what I was saying I don't wanna sound like an idiot," I admitted. She stopped walking and grabbed my hands.

"I couldn't be any prouder, Marceline. Money didn't change you because I didn't raise you like that. You still pick your nose and wear that hideous jacket. You're great and I'm so happy I have a great daughter," she said in the verge of tears.

"Aw, mom. Don't cry!" I pleaded cause I knew I would cry if she cries. Believe it or not I'm a softy when it comes to my mom.

"I'm sorry," she said tilting her head up so the tears won't stream down her face and ruin her makeup.

"We are going to miss the event if we don't hurry up inside," I stated and grabbed her hand. With one last smile we walked in.

The place was buzzing with people talking and laughing. I sighed, the event didn't start yet. "Marceline here comes that nice girl Vivian," my mom said, I followed her eyes and they landed on Vivvy. She was walking gracefully with a teal long dress on.

"Mrs. Phelan, how are you?" She greeted my mother with a light hug.

"You two always look so stunning!" She gushed eying our dresses with a big grin stretched on her face.

"Marcie! Did they interview you?" She asked after she hugged me.

"Yeah," I answered.

"They actually call us the Rich Kids," she stated chuckling a little.

"I know, it was actually pretty weird. You just had to stand and act normal whilst lights flash in your face," I explained. She nodded as if she understood.

"Thank God she didn't ask me a lot of questions," she said in relief before she continued. "You know how horrible I choke up and start to stutter."

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