Chapter Thirteen

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Marceline Phelan

I was surprised I got my lazy bum out of bed today. Julius was coming back from his trip to Los Angeles. A man had this really old chair that he believed Napoleon sat on before he died. My boyfriend being the weirdo he was booked the next flight there and here I am. Baking him my mom's cherry pie.

I'm going to admit I don't know what the hell I'm doing. We would probably both come down with diarrhea or me being the bitch that I am would probably just let him eat it alone. Or I'll run down to the store to buy one and leave the kitchen dirty so he thinks I did it.

Smart Marceline.

I was also surprised because I never cooked for anyone other than myself. I usually just cook some cereal or bread with jam. Nothing special, I barely know how to work a microwave. We're not going in to details.

The reason I was cooking for Julius was because he was going to drop the 'L' word. It pains me to even say it. When my mother wanted us to shut up she would bake us pie.

I obviously wasn't ready to actually say the 'L' word back. So we'll go over the plan.

Julius would come home and he would say 'oh Marceline we've been dating for more than a month now and you're a genuinely awesome badass really sexy chick and a damn good kisser and I love you.'

Right when he says that I'd be like 'babe, I baked you a pie,' and he would shut up and eat it and that would give me more time to grow a pair of balls and tell him I love him back even though it would be a lie.

Maybe Julius wasn't going to say my exact words but it sounded really good in my head. So we would go with that.

If that doesn't work I would get him wasted, drive to New Mexico and dump him near some gas station and leave him a note saying his name was Rafael Lopez and he was from Michigan.

Or the last option was to just tell him I had feelings for the annoying slut called Jerome. But that's not going to happen.

So when the timer went off indicating my ticket out of today's 'ruin Marcie's life' ride was ready, I grinned.

I set the beautiful looking pie on the counter to cool off. "If you don't help me get out of this mess, I'm going to feed you to that fat kid down the road. The one with the chubby fingers!" I warned. Yes I was talking to a pie.

And before you conclude that I'm a weirdo, I'll tell you something. My seventh grade teacher had a relationship with his car. I'm being totally legit right now.

So if Mr. Dunn can talk dirty to his car, I can threaten my pie.

I took a shower and brushed my hair. I was wearing jeggings, a white and orange baseball tee with my hair in a ponytail.

I was about to catch up on that new show that Betty White was in but my phone started to go off. "Hello mother," I greeted the person on the other line who obviously was my mommy unless I called my best friend mother- which I don't.

"Marceline is Jayceline there?" She asked sounding frantic.

"No, she's not," I answered sandwiching my phone between my shoulder and my ear as I poured myself some peach juice.

"Is she down at the shop?" She asked me her voice still holding the same concern.

"It's only Trace today, in fact only Trace was working these last days. I haven't seen Jaycie in awhile," I admitted taking a sip.

"She hasn't been home either. What if Zeke took her!" That's when I noticed the peach juice was rotten and that my sister was missing and a psychopath swore that he was going to eventually take her.

"I'll close the shop and me and Trace will meet you at home, we'll figure out what we are going to do there," I told her and I heard her sigh.

"I'm worried Marceline," she whispered. She sounded worried.

I hated to admit this but Jaycie was my mom's favorite. She was like red wine to my mom and me and Trace were the vodka and my mom loves her wine. So you pretty much get the picture.

"Please hurry!" She exclaimed and I pulled the phone away from my ear.

"We'll be there in like fifteen minutes," I stated and after we said our goodbyes, she hang up.

With two minutes to spare me and Trace pulled up in front of the house. We exchange quick glances then rushed out of the car. The door was open making it easier for all of us.

I already knew where my mother was; the kitchen. She had a glass of red wine in her hand while she silently cried.

"There you guys are!" She said putting her glass down. She walked over to Trace first and gave him a big hug followed by me.

"When did you realize she was gone?" Trace asked mom.

"We had dinner reservations today but she never showed," my mom answered picking her glass back up again.

"Marceline when was the last time you saw her?" Trace turned to ask me.

"Two days ago. I came home last night from Julius because he went to Los Angeles the same night," I replied.

"Okay since she practically lives at Marcie's we should go back and check if anything is missing. Like if she packed any bags or anything," Trace suggested.

Me and my mom nodded. "I'll go, you guys stay here if she comes back," I said picking up my keys.

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