19. Rich Kids' date

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Rich Kids Chapter 18: Rich Kids' date

-Marceline’s Pov-

Saturday couldn't come fast enough. I got a call from Harper and she said her and Teddy were expecting. She just found out a month ago and decided to call me. I was really happy for them and promised I'll have lunch with her next week.

I called Vivian and told her about the date. After she freaked out for a minute, she offered her help. So, I agreed that she could help me get dressed, which she was very happy to do.

"Did he say where you two were going?" Vivian said,  as she rumbled through my accessories. 

"He said to just dress casually," I shrugged, picking up my denim jacket. 

After Vivian went in to the library to watch some weird Spanish show, I went to take a shower. I put on my black skinny jeans and a white blouse, applied some light makeup and let my hair down.

I walked out of my room and walked to where Vivian was at. "So?" I asked as I did a little twirl.

When I looked back at her she was smiling. "You know, from the day we all started hanging out in middle school and later on in high school, I knew you and Jerome were good for each other," Vivian told me.

My eyebrows furrowed slightly. "What do you mean?" I asked her.

She stood up from the couch. "Jerome used to drive you insane but at the end of the day he always made you smile. Even though it was only for a couple of seconds. And even though you shot him down and broke every single one of his pencils, he still smiled at you like you were the sweetest girl in the world. It's kind of weird cause you were so mean, like super cruel and I remember when you punched that boy in gym class, which was awful 'cause you broke his nose. I was kind of afraid of you, I mean everyone was but I couldn't blame them 'cause you did punch seven guys and-"

"I get it!" I shouted, which cut her off.

"But you're not that girl anymore," Vivian quickly added.

"I know I was a bully but I only punched kids that deserved it. All of them were guys and I know now that it's wrong. But I think you're right," I stated. "I have a good feeling about this."

"About Jerome?" She questioned and I nodded. 

I nodded and I smiled. "I have a good feeling about this date and about me and...Jerome," I whispered the last part but Vivian heard that. I knew it because she started smiling at me.

Vivian was about to say something when a car honked. It was Jerome. "Have fun," Vivian said simply. 

I nodded quickly and smiled again. She handed me my denim jacket and I fixed my hair a little. "I will," I told her and with one last nod, I walked out of the door.

He was already waiting for me outside when I came out. He was dressed in a simple black long sleeved Henley shirt with a pair of light jeans and his black converse. 

"You look absolutely stunning in a casual way," Jerome said, taking a couple of steps towards me.

He smiled and I felt that weird warm feeling in my stomach. I smiled too. "So do you," I answered back. 

He took my hand and led me to his car. He opened my car door for me and I smiled wider. "Wow, thank you," I thanked and he grinned. 

"You're welcome," He said, tapping my nose. 

I laughed and he shut my door. I watched him walk over to his side of the car and he pulled the door open. When he got in to the car, he smiled at me again. 

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