18. Rich Kids' tomato shower

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Rich Kids Chapter 17: Rich Kids’ tomato shower 

-Marceline’s Pov-

This time everyone was wearing black. It was Finley’s funeral. Just like the day at the wedding, we were all there. Vivian didn’t speak to any of us after the whole incident and we honestly didn’t know what to say.

Her mother, even though her daughter was happy with Finley, was relieved when Finley died. Yes, I know pretty mean thing to say but he was honestly too old for her. Even if they did get married she would have to take care of him until he dies. So on one hand it was kind of good Finley left but also terribly sad for his family.

 I was never good with expressing feelings so I didn’t really bother to call.

Jerome practically forced me to pick him up. So after I got dressed and everything, I headed out to his house. I honked the horn once, twice until he came out. Of course he looked handsome and his hair looked slightly different. A really hot different.

“Hey Marce,” he said when he stepped in the car.

“Hey Jero-” I cut myself off when he leaned over and kissed my right cheek.

“Why did you- what was that?” I asked, refusing to look at him.

“A kiss, silly,” He said chuckling a little. The thing about Jerome is, he acts without thinking. He speaks without thinking. Basically he’s a complete idiot.

“You can’t just kiss me,” I said finally turning to look at him.

His face was just blank. His eyebrows slowly pulled together. “Why not?” He questioned.

I gasped. “Because, you can’t!” I shot back.

“Fine! I won’t kiss you then,” He agreed, throwing his hands up in the air, looking out the window.

“Thank you,” I mumbled and backed out of his drive way.

Jerome was drumming his fingers on the dashboard to some catchy song playing on the radio. Jerome was always really easy going. He wasn’t some guy that holds grudges for eternity. He was pretty understanding and easy to talk to.

“You know, I was watching Boy Meets World and Cory’s brother-” He paused for two seconds before continuing, “I don’t seem to remember his name.”

I frowned but decided not to make any comments. “So, have you found a place to work yet?” He asked popping a piece of gum in his mouth.

I shrugged, “I checked schools and I found this one place where I can  teach special needs children how to play the piano. I think that’s really cool.”

He nodded slowly. “That is cool and you’ll be doing a great thing,” He commented which made me smile.

We arrived shortly and as soon as I got out of the car Aretha rushed over to me. "Honey, you've got to help me!" She wailed and I took a step back not sure of what was going on.

"Woah, what's going on?" I asked Aretha, Vivian's mother. She sighed and tried to tone down her crying.

"We can't get Vivian to attend the funeral. Not me, not her father. We sent Serenity and all of her cousins. You are our only hope!" Aretha pleaded,  sending me a hopeful look.

I looked down at my shoes and sighed.  "I'll go check on her," I said, quietly agreeing and Aretha pulled me in for a hug.

"Thank you so much, Marcie!" Bob gave me an appreciative smile and I nodded and grabbed my car keys.

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