Chapter Fourteen

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Marceline Phelan

I was at my mom's house when I heard the phone ring. "Mom, the phone!" I yelled. She was probably looking up stuff on eBay.

"Ma!" I called again. Still no reply.

I sighed and walked over to where the phone was at. "Phelan residence," I said.

"Hello, with whom am I speaking?" The voice of a lady asked.

"Marceline, who's this?" I asked.

"Is- is your sister at home. Can I talk to her?" She asked.

"She's not home actually, but can I take a message?" I asked politely.

The woman sighed. "This is Zeke's mother," she started to say and I knew this wasn't going to end well. I think he got busted selling drugs again. Yeah, probably that.

"My boy, Zeke, he's been missing for a couple of days," she said. He was probably not selling but actually using drugs this time.

She took a shaky breath before she said, "they found his lifeless body behind an old club yesterday." 

I gasped. Maybe I didn't like Zeke, hell I hated him. But I never wished him death. He was once the reason for that smile on Jaycie's face. Even though he was a terrible guy, he loved my sister. "I'm- I'm so sorry," I said lowly. 

"Can you please tell Jaycie. I know they weren't together at the time but when they were I believe your sister made my boy the happiest and best could've ever been. Jaycie was Zeke's light in his darkness. My boy loved that girl with all his heart. I'm so sorry for what my boy did to your sister and if he upset any of you I'm terribly sorry. I just wished there was more I could've done for Zeke. After the breakup with Jaycie he fell deeper in to the hole," she sighed as if she was trying to hold in her tears. "Please tell her to call me, Zeke had a letter for her."

"I will and we are all so sorry for your loss." that was the last thing I said to her.

I put the phone back down and sighed. That was a total curve ball. I expected to be told Zeke was just sent to jail again, but now I was the one that was suppose to tell my sister the guy she was with and loved for years, was found dead. 

So I waited for about almost two hours. Just sitting on my mom's old couch. When I heard her car pull up I exhaled. The door clicked open and in strolled Jayceline. "You have no idea where me and Larry went today! He took me to this really cool-"

"I have to tell you something," I rushed out cutting her off in the process.

"Okay...what's this about?" She asked, when she saw my nervous face.

Thank God she took a seat. "Uhm...Zeke's mom called," I started to say and she frowned.

"Jaycie, Zeke was found dead yesterday after his mother reported him missing," I said.

Jaycie's confused face turned in to an emotionless stare. Her lips were slightly parted. She looked up at me and I saw her eyes contained tears she yet hasn't shed. "Are they sure its him?" she choked out.

I nodded my head, offering her a sad smile. Her head dropped and she nodded slowly. "I can't believe it," she said, her voice was smooth but low.

"Neither could I," I told her.

"No, I talked to him two days ago! He...he sounded fine," she said, disbelief written on her face.

"I don't know what happened Jayc-"

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