20. Rich Kids' exciting announcement

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Rich Kids chapter 19: Rich Kids' exciting announcement

-Marceline's Pov-

We were seated in the third row. It was a pretty hot day out and I was covered in sunscreen because I burned easily. When I tried rubbing sunscreen on Jerome's shoulders he refused and said that he didn't 'believe' in sunscreen. He's an idiot, I know. 

It was the opposite team's turn to bat. "When is it Declan's turn to bat?" I asked Zoey and she shrugged her shoulders. 

I mean, I hated sports. When I found out we were spending a Saturday morning watching my boyfriend's cousin play baseball I wasn't that excited, too be quite honest. But I liked it because it was different. My brother never participated in anything sports related and Jaycie was barely a part of the soccer team. 

One look at Jerome and I could tell he was enjoying this. He was following the game closely, barely saying a word. "Jer, when is it Declan's turn to bat?" I asked and he glanced at me, then back at the field.

"The other team is batting now and they have an out, two more outs and Declan's team  gets to bat," He explained and I nodded. 

I looked at Zoey and she was frowning and looked beyond bored. She was completely  out of place in her high waisted denim shorts, the back pockets covered in studs and a white crop top. She looked like she belonged in a Justin Bieber music video. 

I looked at Declan, he was the 'right fielder'. I knew half of the girls here came because of him. For a teenager his age, he was already quite the looker. Most guys on the field were some scrawny, short looking guys with bad acne. While Declan looked like one of David Beckham's sons. 

Zoey is also stunning. Zoey was barely a teenager but she looked like she was seventeen. Josiah was seated next to Jerome and even though he was just a kid, he had the prettiest eyes and the longest eyelashes. Jerome was a handsome fella too.

I couldn't help but think how incredibly good looking this family was. It was insane. They all belonged on the cover of Vogue magazine. No lie.

"Are you checking me out, sweetheart?" Jerome suddenly asked and I chuckled. 

"I'm just trying to find out why the entire Land family is so flawless," I told him and he laughed and looked at me strangely. 

"You think we're flawless?" He asked and I nodded my head quickly. 

"If there was a prize for the best looking family in America, it'd be you guys," I stated and he laughed harder, drawing the attention of parents and kids. 

"Well, thank you. I mean, I think we're an alright looking family," He shrugged and pecked my cheek.

I smiled at him and saw Josiah looking at something behind my back. "Julie!" Josiah shouted excitedly and I turned to look at the boy running in to the arms of Jerome's sister,  Julia.

You guessed it, she was also flawless. She was indeed a model, a good one at that. She had a pair of tight looking expansive jeans and a loose simple white v-neck shirt that was plain but she made it look like something Scarlett Johansson would wear. She had a pair of Chanel sunglasses on her head and a pair of simple black heels. She looked really out of place but gone with the wind fabulous, nonetheless. 

Zoey stood up and walked to her cousin. Julia grabbed her hand and made her twirl. "You look gorgeous, doll," Julia told her, kissing both her cheeks. 

Jerome was at her side and I smiled when I saw them. Jerome was just in a blue polo and dark jeans. Nothing special, he didn't even comb his hair but I still thought he was the best looking guy ever.

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