21. Rich Kids' relationship

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This chapter might be awkward for some younger readers.

Reading discretion is advised. 

Rich Kids chapter 20: Rich Kids' relationship

-Marceline' Pov-

It's been quite the interesting few months with Jerome. It was far from a normal relationship but let's be honest, nothing is known to be normal with us. 

Jerome stirred beside me and mumbled something about driving a car through a window. He wasn't wearing a shirt (which was a big plus) and he always thought it was hot, so refused to get under the covers, giving me a perfect view of his amazing chest. 

I got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom to empty my bladder. I still felt tired and walked back to bed. I tripped on my way there making me face plant the floor. I groaned and sat up. "Babe, are you alright?" Jerome asked, sitting up in bed. I had to admit that his half asleep voice was so hot.

"Yeah babe, I totally tripped on your deodorant," I said, picking up the deodorant from the floor and glaring at him.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and then he gave me a sheepish smile. "How did that get there?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. 

"I wonder how," I said dryly and got up. I went to walk to my side but Jerome pulled me down on him instead. 

"I really am sorry," Jerome whispered and I nodded and leaned my head down to kiss him.

Me and Jerome were now living together at my place. It was difficult at first because I've never lived with a guy before and I've been so used to having my own space. 

Wyatt thought we were moving too fast and it was surprising when I found Jerome on my doorstep suitcases in hand. I remember that conversation we had three days before his move. 

I finished my burger with one last big bite. I saw Jerome eying me, a look of amusement on his face. "I've been thinking Marcie," Jerome said, sounding serious. 

"About what?" I asked him and he grabbed my hand, squeezing it lightly. 

"You're finally mine and I don't want us to rush anything," He said softly and I was kind of shocked considering he couldn't keep his hands to himself. 

"You want us to take it slow?" I asked just to be sure. 

Jerome nodded. "I don't want to do anything wrong," He said, reaching for my hand across the table. 

Three days later I heard a knock on my door and I got up to answer it. Jerome was standing on my doorstep with his suitcases in hand. I looked down at the bags in confusion then looked back at him. "You moving in?" I asked him and he grinned widely and nodded enthusiastically. 

"What about 'taking things slow'?" I questioned him, making air quotes around the words taking it slow.

He scoffed. "Who told you that garbage?" He asked and my mouth dropped open half in shock and half confusion. 

"Uh, you did," I answered and he laughed and shook his head.

"That's silly I don't recall saying any of those words," He said amused. I narrowed my eyes at him.

He smiled at me. "Are you seriously going to leave your boyfriend on the streets?" He questioned, pouting his lips at the end.

I stared at him, rolled my eyes and stepped aside so he can enter. "Come in," I told him and he cheered loudly and walked in. 

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