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Be your own kind of beauty
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Peanut's face flushed with embarrassment as he handed the jackets back to the boys, memories of his heated actions flooding his mind. His cheeks burned with the recollection of the sensations he had indulged in while clutching those garments close.

After the exchange, he speed-walked to his seat, hoping to lose himself in his book and distract his mind from the overwhelming embarrassment.

Just as he started to immerse himself in the pages of his story, Jeremy's presence appeared by his side,oh no he's dying of embarrassment please don't embarrass him more.

Startled, Peanut peered over the book's edge to find Jeremy holding out a chocolate milkshake.

"Hey, for you," Jeremy said with a warm smile, holding out the milkshake.

Peanut felt his face heat up even more, and in his flustered state, he used the book as a makeshift shield, half-covering his face.

He mumbled a barely audible "Thanks,".in a voice smaller then usual he mumble something incoherent.

For the rest of the day, Peanut tried to keep his focus on his book and away from the thoughts that had gotten him into such an awkward situation.He couldn't bear to look at Jeremy, Michael, and Levi, his mind replaying the scenarios he had let his desires carry him into.(shouts)pervy thoughts baby.

The rest of the day passed in a blur of internal embarrassment and external avoidance. Peanut did his best to concentrate on his studies, pretending that the wild fantasies and actions of his heated behaviors had never happened.

He avoided the trio as if they had the plague, his heart pounding whenever he caught a glimpse of them. The weight of his own actions hung heavily on his mind.

once the final bell rang signaling the end of the school day Peanut quickly packed his things and sprinted home literally, Peanut slumped onto his bed with a sigh. Clutching his bunny plushie tightly, he began to pour out his thoughts in a mixture of frustration and dramatism.

"Mr.Bunnington, you won't believe the mess I've gotten myself into. So, after... well, you know... what I did right you were locked in here with me for those three days, I tried to act normal today, but how can I act normal after those embarrassing things I did? Jeremy handed me a milkshake, and I swear, I thought I was going to combust right there. I hid behind my book like a total dork but wait I am a dork, and I think I might have mumbled something about becoming one with the pages. Smooth move, right?"

He paused, letting out a groan of embarrassment, then continued in a more dramatic tone, his voice muffled by the plushie's softness. "And don't even get me started on how many times I mentally facepalmed myself today. Every time I looked at those guys, all I could think about was... well, you know. It's like my brain decided to become the R-rated version of itself, and I'm just here for the show so embarrassing"

Peanut squished the bunny plushie against his face, trying to muffle his own mortified laughter.kid scares himself. "But seriously, Bunnington, why did I have to go and do gross things like that? Now every time I see them, I'll probably turn into a tomato. Or worse, I'll start reliving the whole thing in my head again! Ugh, why can't I just be normal, someone who doesn't get off on the scent of jackets?"

He let out a long sigh, his voice more serious as he whispered to his plushie, "Thanks for listening, Bunnington. You're probably the only one who won't judge me for being a total mess today. Tomorrow's a new day, right? Let's hope I can keep my fantasies and actions a little more in check."

With a final squeeze of the bunny plushie, Peanut settled in for the night, hoping that sleep would provide a much-needed break from his whirlwind of embarrassing and perverted thoughts.

Thanks for reading ❤️😊😊 short chapter ....hope you enjoy it.

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