33- Nyssa

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Percy and Nyssa crammed together on a small, black leather sofa in front of a fireplace.

Seymour, the leopard rug, growled fiercely at them. Dionysus stood in front of them, while Chiron stood, in full centaur form, off to the side.

To Nyssa, this room in the Big House didn't feel as warm as it used to be.

"Sneaking off without our permission is bad enough, but a camper dying on the mission? We could do horrible things to you two," Dionysus said pacing in front of them.

"Wh-what are you gonna do to us?" Nyssa asked, voice trembling.

"You two are on probation," Chiron said. "You are suspended from all camp activities for the next month, that includes all capture the flags and visits to the forge-"

"What?" Nyssa said springing from her seat. "But I need to look for Leo!"

"Leo will just have to wait, and I'm sure your siblings will take care of it," Chiron said.

"Is that all?" Percy asked.

"No," Dionysus said firmly.

Percy groaned.

"For the next month," Chiron began. "You will wash all the dishes after each meal, and scour the woods after capture the flag for any weapons or armor that was left behind or lost."

"Now, is that all?" Nyssa asked.

Dionysus shook his head. "We will also file home a report of what happened to Sally and..."

Mixed emotions crept up Nyssa's throat.

"I don't know," Nyssa replied quickly. "I guess maybe...Hephaestus?"

After her mom died, Nyssa just took off and ran. She didn't bother to check with any family members and see if they could take her in.

"I'll see what we can do," Dionysus grumpily mumbled. Nyssa could see he hated filing reports for kids without a family.

"So now are we done?" Nyssa asked.

Chiron nodded. "Yes."

Nyssa and Percy sighed with relief.

"It was just very surprising to see you two walking up the hill," Chiron said.

Dionysus shook his head in disagreement. "These kids are rotten. Oh! We have powerful parents, we can do what we want! Oh joy! But still, it was a little surprising to see you Knee Capulet, not so much for you, Perry Johnson."

Despite Dionysus' insult, Nyssa couldn't help but to laugh.

"Don't snap at me Alyssa!" Dionysus snapped pointing a sharp finger at her. Purple flames danced in the gods eyes.

"That's enough Dionysus," Chiron said sternly.

"Can we leave now?" Percy asked again.

"We can't just let you go. What if you run off camp grounds again, or to the forge," Chiron said looking Nyssa in the eyes.

"So what do we do? Stay here all day?" Percy asked.

"No Mr.Johnson-"


"Whatever. As I was saying, the harpies will escort you to your cabins and watch you,"

Nyssa sprung from her seat. "All day and night?"

Chiron nodded. "Pretty much, of course there will be times the harpies shouldn't watch you."

Nyssa nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, a knock was heard at the door.

"That must be the harpies now," Mr.D said walking over to the door. "Remember to have fun on your little break, children."

Dionysus opened the door and two harpies trotted in.

They both had fat chicken bodies with white feathers and faces of a women.

Nyssa sighed. "This isn't gonna be easy summer at Camp Half-Blood."

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