48- Frank

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Frank was falling. And he was falling fast.

Whites and blues swirled around him as he plummeted to the earth. He wanted to scream, but he couldn't find his voice. He tried to transform into an eagle or a crow, but nothing was working.

I am going to die.

As Frank's journey continued he noticed small dots of homes appear.

Only 2000 more feet to go. I am going to die.

Frank accepted his death.

He found it ironic, how one man who could soar through the skies was going to die from falling. But Frank didn't mind. He's done so much hasn't he? He's saved the world and became Praetor. What else could he do in this world?

Only 1000 feet to go. I am going to die.

He could finally see his mom again. That's a plus. And Frank was pretty sure Hazel could see him whenever she wanted to, even if Frank was just a spirit.

Only 500 feet to go. I am going to die.

Frank felt himself accelerate as he sped into the atmosphere.

Only 450 feet to go. I am going to die.

Even though Frank tried to stay positive, there was something in the back of his mind that told him he can't die, the world would loose to much.

Only 345 feet to go. I am going to die.

Hazel would still have her curse, Camp Jupiter would have to find a new Praetor and all of his friends, they would be heartbroken.

Only 250 feet to go. I am going to die.

Frank can't die. He had to find a way to live.

Only 200 feet to go. I can't die.

Frank concentrated hard on the eagle. He needed to be the eagle. He was the eagle. He can be the eagle. He can't die.

Only 150  feet to go. Concentrate on the eagle. I can't die. Concentrate on the eagle.

Frank shut his eyes and thought hard. He thought about Hazel, her sweet face, he thought about Reyna, her powerful gaze, he thought about his mom, her caring attitude, he thought about his grandma, her strong will.

Only 100 feet to go. Concentrate on the eagle. You can't die. You love Hazel. You can't die. Concentrate on the eagle. You love Reyna. You can't die. Concentrate on the eagle. You love mom and grandma. Concentrate on the eagle. Concentrate on the eagle. You can't die.

Frank thought hard, he thought of the eagle.

Wingspan of six feet, claws of steel, a cry that could be heard for miles. Face of America.

75 feet to go.

Frank was beginning to doubt himself. He heard screams of mortals from below.

50 feet to go.

He couldn't do it.

30 feet to go.

But he had to try.

20 feet to go.

The screams of mortals got louder.

10 feet to go.

There was no way.

5 feet to go.

Good bye world.

The Return of Leo Valdez (After Blood of Olympus)Where stories live. Discover now