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Who is your favorite Percy Jackson character?

Ugh that's a really hard one. Probably Leo or Piper.

Who are your book crushes?

I don't really have crushes on any book characters. Is that odd? I've always considered book characters more of friends. Mainly because I tent to relate to a lot characters.

Actually I lied. There is one character who I low-key would date if he was real. It would be Joel from the Pegasus series by Kate O'Hearn. Not many of you people may know what I'm talking about, but like DAMN. People goals.

Are you writing a sequel?

No I am not. I feel like I wrapped up the ends pretty well, I have nothing to write my sequel on.

Also, I'm pretty busy right now. Writing books with an audience hungry for more is extremely stressful and it gets annoying when you publish some parts and realize you could have written so much better but didn't have enough time.

Okay guys! Those are all the questions I got! Thank you for reading this book all the way to the end! I really appreciate it! Bye for now!

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