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~~ Two Weeks Later...~~

Amila blankly stared at the wall speechless beside Chris who Luca had called to come over last minute. Luca stood in front of them and Street stood behind them, the three bedroom house was still yet to be finished. Chris stared at the hole with no emotion what so ever,
"Wow...I had no clue this place needed so much work. I thought it'd take a couple of hours and I'd be back in time to hike Solstice Canyon", she says with a shake of her head.

"Well, look on the bright side. At least we saved you from getting eaten by a mountain lion", Street joked as Amila swung her crutch, hitting him in the rib.
Luca clapped,
"Hey, I figure we start right here and get this ready for the flat-screen tv", he excitedly says.

Amila groaned face planting her head into Chris's shoulder,
"Men I tell ya..", she mumbled.

Chris scoffed looking at Luca,
"You're...you're not just gonna paint over those holes, are you?", she asked him. Amila had hoped that was not what he was going to do.

"No, I know that. I bought spackle paste for it", he says dusting his hands.

Amila raised a hand cutting in the conversation,
"Spackle...for that? Luca seriously?", she stared at her best friend with doubt,
"Yeah", he replied short.

Chris looked to Amila for help but she shrugged with her hands up,
"No, man. You need a new drywall to patch that. Then you have to sand and prime before you even think about painting...", she explained pointing to the ceiling, "and you can't do any of that until you fix all these roof leaks...how do you three not know this stuff", she questioned the trio.

Luca smiled, "well I always rented all my life so did Mils but if we needed something fixed, we'd just call the super", he says like it was no big deal.

Chris looked at Street expectedly, "and what about you?".

"No good excuse, really", Street laughed walking up beside Luca as Amila took a seat on the mini single sofa.

"Okay, so Amila and you guys can field-strip and clean an HK blindfolded, but y'all don't know how to paint a wall?", she looked between the trio that nodded their heads agreeing.
Amila exhaled rubbing the sore spot on her knee where she had her stitches. She hears Chris offer to call her uncle to see if he could be of help in lending a hand with the house,
"Hey Amila, how's your neck and leg?", Street asked taking a seat beside her. She shrugged looking over at him,
"I mean, it's alright. Most times the pain feels like I'm being constantly stabbed over and over again. But my doc told me instead of two months I might be out three whole months", she exhaled looking down.

Street and Luca scoffed,
"That's too long without you", they say.
Amila nods,
"It is what it is", she stands up with the help from her crutches and limped outside to get some fresh air. She saw Shorty and his boys sitting at the table chatting. She smiled waving and was happy to see a couple of them waved back at her. Her heart warmed that they were somewhat okay with her yet still weary since she works with S.W.A.T.

About an hour or so later...Amila was lining up whatever trash she could carry to the curb outside, sweat coated her skin, she exhaled wiping her face, thankful the trash didn't fall off the curb. She looked back busting out laughing at Street and Luca struggling to drag out the old dirty stove, plastering a free sign on it,
"Really guys?", she chuckled with a shake of her head.
Street chuckled dusting his hands,
"Should be good", he tells them.

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