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Amila sat next to Marcos in one of the holding cells as he was placed there till further notice, so they think that by placing him in there, that he'd be more comfortable in a cell, well, they thought wrong. He was very uncomfortable and wanted to be home in his own bed, with Amila, his Abuela and his baby brother. Amila watched as he had taken a seat on the cement bench against the wall with a heavy sigh,
"You believe me, right?", he spoke up to Amila who looked over at him,
"I believe you Marcos", she smiled, "i'll try to get Luca on the phone and see how far he's gotten on finding out who shot Ben-Ben. But before I do...do you want anything?", she asked softly and he turned to look at her,
"No...i'm okay", he glanced over at Barker who cleared his throat walking away. Amila chuckled standing over him, a hand gently squeezing his shoulder,
"I may not be on the case but trust me when I say that Luca will find whoever killed him", she tells him.

Marcos sighed,
"I trust you, baby, but I....", she cut him off with a deep kiss,
"Stop...i love you", she mumbled against his lips.
He groaned pulling her body into his caressing her cheek,
"you're killing me", he looked into her eyes. Amila smiled innocently and kissed him one more time,
"you sure you don't want anything?", she walked up to the door turning back to him.
Marcos shakes his head leaning it back on the wall gazing at Amila with soft eyes as she walked away closing the door.
He exhaled heavily, he didn't want to be in that crappy ass cell. He wanted to be at home with his crew, Amila, Shorty and his abuela. He rubbed his face laying down on the bench using his arm as a headrest, closing his eyes for a bit. He thought about his future.


Marcos stared absentmindedly at the ceiling of the jail cell. He hears a door opening and turned to see Luca walking in with some chick behind him but he didn't see Amila. He sat up looking at Luca before glaring at the chick,
"who's this? Where's Amila?" he questioned as the chick stepped up to him,
"Nia Wells, Assistant D.A", she introduced herself.
Marcos turned his glare to Luca,
"You serious man? You really pushing these charges on me?", he could feel his temper rising.
Luca shook his head,
"No, actually, Ms. Wells is here to make a deal. If you're willing to testify in Ben-Ben's homicide case, she's willing to drop the gun charges", he explains to Marcos.
Nia spoke up,
"I know you didn't see the shooter, but you were first on scene, so your testimony could prove vital", she stated.

Marcos looked between the two confused,
"Wait a minute. You got him?", he looked at Luca.

"Yeah, he's sitting in handcuffs as we speak", he proudly states.
Marcos nodded, "which one of the L2Ds was it?"

Luca shook his head,
"Turns out that your boy did a lot more than dream about that checkout girl. They've been hooking up for weeks", he explains. Marcos smirked, "Ben-Ben was mackin' stacy?", he shockingly says, his boy actually did it.
"Sounds like they were pretty into each other, actually. The trouble is, her ex-boyfriend found out and decided to eliminate the competition", he sadly says.
Marcos clicked his tongue,
"This ex-boyfriend run with a crew?", he looked to the chick, "No just a jealous guy with a temper and a gun", she tells him.
Luca could see the doubt on Marcos face,
"So, what do you say, man? Are you willing to work with the D.A, or you want to play proud and let Ben-Ben's shooter walk?", he tells Marcos who stared at him. He watches the chick place her hand out,
"I need Amila...where is she?", he asked taking a seat. Luca moved to the side and Amila walked in with a soda and munching on chips, she swallowed,
"Take the deal babe. And lets put Ben-Ben to rest", she said as he nods standing back up and with a little doubt, he shakes the D.A's hand.
"Glad to see it, man", Luca smiles at him.

Marcos was still unsure of everything but Amila was by his side and that was all that he needed. He gave a small nod to Luca,
"Well, I'm starving, till then is he free to go?", she asked Luca who nodded,
"Of course Mils", he says softly, "hey, i'm really sorry about before, I wish this whole situation played differently", he says.

Amila exhaled,
"I know Luca, we're cops, it's what we do", she smiled squeezing Marcos's waist gazing at Nia with a nod,
"thank you", she said looking back at Marcos. She held her hand out and he takes it pulling her body into his side. Amila wrapped an arm around him,
"I saw we get some fries and milkshakes", she smiled up at him. Marcos kissed her temple,
"sounds good", he muttered.

Marcos pulled up in the parking lot of the diner, they got out stretching, its been a long day for them both. Entering the diner, they take a seat in the corner, ordering their food and Amila leans her body in his side,
"you okay?", she asked quietly as Marcos nods leaning his head against the door window,
"tired..", he sighed.
Amila smiled at the waiter who hands them their food. She happily munched on her fries as Marcos took a bite out of his cheeseburger. She felt bad that he hadn't eaten at HQ, so she was very much happy that he was stuffing his face right now.

"I texted Shorty, he said Abuela was asleep", she tells Marcos who smiled wiping his lips with his napkin,
"I need a shower. I smell like a jail cell", he grumbled.
Amila chuckled nudging his cheek,
"what you mean? You smell so good", she joked with a smirk inhaling his cologne. He scoffed pulling her into him, tickling her side. She giggled as he pulled her in for a kiss. He mumbled incoherently when she deepened the kiss.
Amila hummed turning her head to finish her milkshake.
Marcos had finished his along with Amila, who climbed out of the booth, taking out her wallet but Marcos beat her to it and paid their bill, leaving a tip. He picked up Amila who was pouting and squealed as he placed her body over his shoulder and walked out.

What a day!

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