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Amila received an alert on her phone about DEA Agent Red Corby who was murdered in his home early this morning. And they casted a wide news spread on Agent Boyle on every channel. She had told Marcos she needed to go in and help but Marcos refused to let her go. He wanted her to rest but Amila was worried for her teammates and she expressed that to him yet he was reluctant but eventually caved telling her to be careful or he'll carry her out of HQ.
She gave her word that she'd be fine. She walked into HQ, hiding her baby bump from anyone to see, she spots Luca and Street,

"Luca, come on. Marcos basically told us to F off this morning", she hears Street say.

"Look, he was upset. Grieving okay. He's not thinking straight. He'll come around", Luca replied.

"What if he doesn't?", Street retorted.

"We promised him a chance at a better life. Muriel, too. We can't just take that away 'after what happened", Amila listened intently on Luca wanting to help Marcos. She praised him for that.

"Luca, what happened to Shorty, was not our fault. Okay, even Amila stressed to us that it was nobodies fault but whoever killed him", Street tries to tell him but Luca cut him off,
"But we can still do this", he says which Street interrupted him,
"Look, it's noble how much you want to help Marcos, but you can't save someone who isn't willing to save themselves", he retorts.

"I ain't giving up", Luca ended it at that. Amila walks in,
"Very noble", she stated as Luca rushed up to hug her,
"Hey Mils, so glad to see you. I needed my best friend", he smiles.
Amila stands next to him,
" I heard about Red. That was harsh. Where are you at on Boyle?", she asked which the computer beeped signaling they found something,
"Oh, yo. Check this out. Someone just tagged Boyles kid in a photo", he pulls up the photo.
Amila squints,
"A soccer game, maybe?", she doubted.

"Okay, this post is from 20 minutes ago. We just got to find this park", Luca instructed as Street took over.
Luca pulls Amila to the side,
"Hey, um, I hate to ask but did you get a chance to speak to Marcos?", he asked her. Amila sighed,
"I'm sorry Luca. He just won't listen. He lost his trust in you guys and it's completely shattered the faith he had in you and I don't know what more I can do", she looks up at him, "but I think I may have hit a soft spot in him, so maybe try give him a call and see, maybe he will come around....but I got to go talk to Hicks okay, so let me know", she smiled giving his shoulder a pat.


Amila eyed Hicks as he paced back and forth with an unreadable expression on his face. She had told him she was pregnant and he was at utter lost for words,
"Um....you okay there?", she asked, eyes wide as he turned to her suddenly with a wide smile,
"I'd never thought I would hear something like this", he happily said pointing to her, "are you messing with me?" He questioned.

Amila chuckled standing up, she unzipped her SWAT jacket to reveal her small baby bump. Hicks eyes went wide, he slowly approached,
"How far along are you?", he asked gently.

Amila smiled sheepishly,
"Doc says I'm about 2 months and four days along to the T. I didn't even know I was pregnant till my body felt weird and I wasn't feeling good after getting back from our vacation", she said as he exhaled placing his hands on her shoulders, he chuckled pulling her into a hug, it felt so fatherly and Amila welcome it,
"Who else knows?", he asked taking a step back.
Amila smiled awkwardly,
"Actually, uh, your the first person besides Marcos and his cousin to know about me being pregnant", she zipped up her jacket as Hicks raised an eyebrow as she rocked back and forth,
"I didn't want to say anything yet since this whole situation with Sancho Zamora being here", she stated just as Hicks received a notification that Boyle was secured and their was a shoot out but him and his kid was fine. He motioned for Amila to follow him which she does as he wants her to stay out of the field, so he was more than happy to let her help him.

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