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Amila had offered to speak with the officer alongside Vera who was quivering as she gave the police officer Timo's description. She sees Chris pulls up giving a nod to the cops, she excused herself and walked beside Chris as they approached Luca who was apologizing if he ruined any plans she had for the day,
"Nah, Ty and Kira are working late, so no plans to spoil. I know you guys care about Timo, but doesn't look like patrols having much luck getting people to open doors and answer questions", she tells them stopping beside Street.
"No surprise there. I mean, we've built some trust with folks in the neighborhood, past few months, but still a long way to go", Street explained.
Luca sighed,
"We're getting there. I mean, they see me, Street and Amila everyday...we come home, take out the trash...Amila spends her nights at Marcos, they see him pick her up out front but I just...I hope it helps us find Timo", he looked over at Vera who walked up to them with the officer.

"I got all the kids particulars. Gonna get his photo out wide", the officer tells them.
Amila pulled Vera into a side hug,
"You should go home just in case Timo shows up and if we find anything you'll be the first to know", she softly says and Vera nods thanking Amila before walking back towards her home.

Luca wrapped an arm around Amila until they hear loud music,
"Is that Marcos? You think he'll know anything?", Chris asked Amila who nodded. Luca stared at the vehicle slowly walking over,
"Ay, remember that beef with him last year?", he ran out stopping in front of Marcos's car almost getting hit if Marcos didn't step on the brakes,
"Whoa! Whoa! Hey Marcos. You seen Timo around?", Luca stopped on the driver side. Amila had a feeling Marcos wouldn't be to happy on helping Luca since he was not in the mood,
"You looking to bust little kids now?", Marcos accused looking up at Luca.

"Look, you didn't answer my question, man", Luca eyes him. Amila walked up to the passenger window leaned down she smiled at Shorty who greeted her with a kiss to the cheek,
"Sup Amila", he says which caught Marcos's attention, she smiled softly at him before he looked at Luca,
"Too distracted by the cop convention", he said gazing back at Amila.

"Look, have you seen him or not?", Luca pushed.

Marcos glared,
"Look, I don't have time to play "ask a Mexican" y'all told us to stay away from that kid, right? That's what I did", he snapped at Luca.
Amila didn't want any verbal altercations to start between the two so she walked around the car stopping beside Luca, giving a small wave to his crew in the back who in turn bowed their head at her in respect,
"Come on, man, your crews on top of everything on this stretch. You telling us you don't know anything?", Street spoke up.

"Yeah, that's what I'm saying...everybody got problem", Marcos looked back over at Luca pissed off, "Timo ain't mine!", he stated looking away. Amila new how frustrating it was with the way he spoke but Amila wanted to know the answers as well. She walked up to his window, leaning halfway inside, she reached up touching the stubble on his cheek,
"Please, Marcos....", she says softly. He looks over at her seeing her eyes were begging for help, he lets out a sigh not wanting her to be upset with him, shaking his head,
"If I hear anything, you'll be the first to know Hermosa", he stated.
Amila nods leaning in and kissed him, she could feel him push harder to deepen the kiss but she pulled back, "thank you", she whispered giving his lips another peck nudging his chin seeing him nod.

Amila steps back away from the car looking over at Luca as Marcos pressed his horn,
"Chris, we're good", she tells her. She waved at Shorty who gave her a smile just as Marcos drove off,
"He'll let me know if he hears anything", she says to them.

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