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🙏Ben-Ben's Funeral🙏

When a dear friend leaves you for life, you are left with this void, a place no one can fill. It's not just a heart-breaking moment, but it's a big loss. Amila smiled at the pictures of Ben-Ben and Marcos naked in the tub. Marcos eyes grew wide forgetting that photo was there and tried to put it away but Amila smacked his hand, pushing him to go back to finish his tie.
Nobody cannot overcome the loss of a friend but at times they can only express their feelings and wish for a peaceful afterlife. Amila could see how Ben-Ben's death took a toll on him.
He was struggling to get his tie right and when he couldn't he snapped,
"DAMMIT! SCREW THIS", he flew the tie at the mirror. Amila stood up walking over to him.She grabbed the tie, slowly putting it around his neck,
"It's okay", she whispered to him. Marcos exhaled relaxing his posture as Amila put the tie around his neck, watching her every move. She nudged his cheek, giving his chest a soft pat,
"Your looking very handsome", she quietly commented. 
Marcos pulled her body to his front, eyes trailing the black dress she wore,
"You look beautiful", he kissed her cheek. Amila smiled just as a flash of a light went off, they turned to see Shorty with a smirk on his face and phone in hand. She chased after him and left Marcos who was amused at their antics.


Pulling up at the service, Marcos parked his car not too far away from where everyone was, turning off the engine. They looked out to see most of the crew had shown up and some were escorting Ben-Ben's mom. 
Amila nervously shifted in her seat,
"I don't think I should be here Marcos", she looked over at him as he reached over, giving her hand a gentle yet firmed squeeze. Marcos cleared his throat,
"You belong with me, Amila. They know who you are to me", he said. Amila went to look back out the window but Marcos grabbed her cheek, "I don't care what they say, you are mine. You belong here", he said before clearing his throat, he exhaled as they stepped out of his car. 
Shorty stood beside Amila, walking over to Ben-Ben's mother and his little brother. Marcos pays his respect and hugs Ben-Ben's mom tight. 
Amila slowly walked up nervously rubbing her hand together,
"I know you've probably heard so much of this but I really am sorry for your loss", she gently says as Ben-Ben's mom slaps Marcos on the arm,
"You have a beautiful girl and only now i'm meeting her", she scolded him. Amila stiffled her laugh receiving a hug from Ben-Ben's mom,
"Thank you...and it is very nice to meet you", she smiled at Amila.

Amila pulled back,
"He will always be loved and he will never be forgotten...", she tilted her chin up, wiping the tears that fell from her cheeks,
"And these bitterest tears that you shed are for words left unsaid and the deeds that were left undone", she teared up with a soft gaze.
Ben-Ben's mother cried silently as Amila comforted her. She sees Marcos looking at her and she could see the look of pure pride and happiness.
Amila kissed the woman's cheek before pulling back,
"I, um, also wanted to thank you and your friends for finding the person responsible", she whispered to Amila who stiffened,
"we all know your a cop, sweetie. Marcos had sat everyone down and told us everything about you. They all trust you and so do I", she chuckled with a heartwarming smile.
Amila was grateful to hear that,
"I apologize if me being here will make them uncomfortable", she looked over at all the men.

Ben-Ben's mom chuckled tilting Amila's chin to look at her,
"you don't...if anything myself and all these boys have so much respect for you. Marcos made that very clear. And my Ben-Ben would sometimes tease him and i'd see them get into little fights", she laughed rolling her eyes. Amila laughed softly, her eyes trailing over to Marcos, he was talking with one of the boys,
"I'll check on you after the service", she smiles at Ben-Ben's mom who smiled and they went their separate ways.
Amila walked over to Marcos smiling at a passing Shorty,
"How you doing?",  she softly asked wrapping her arms around him. Marcos exhaled leaning his chin on her head,
"I'm good Hermosa", he replied, "just hurts...a lot", he pulled back before walking them over to the service.

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