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Amila eyed the place they pulled into, her eyes finding Marcos who stood beside a vehicle as they pulled into the power plant. She was utterly confused as to why he wanted them to meet up in a place like that. She slowly exits the vehicle, Luca had the papers in hand with a smile on his face,
"Yo, we're here", he called out happily. Amila gazed at Marcos whose eyes grew wide at seeing her there. She didn't know what to say to his reaction as they walked over to him,
"Hey, you made the right choice, bro", he said.
Street took notice that Marcos was alone,
"Where's Muriel?", he asked confused.

Marcos squints at them,
"Let's just get this done", he retorted.
Amila walked up to Marcos, her eyes trailing his face and how tense his body was, she could tell immediately something wasn't right, he looked very guilty and he only looks guilty if he did something wrong,
"Marcos? What did you do?", she whispered seeing his eyes water and she was very worried.

"Yo, Hondo what's up?", Luca answered his cell

Amila gazed back at Street just as she spots the cartel on the other side of the grounded pillars,
"LUCA! STREET!", she yelled pulling out her gun as the cartel shot at them. She ducked down, an arm around her stomach as her other fired shots at the cartel.

Luca shouts out.

"Back to the car!", Street yells as the gunfire continues. Amila follows them staying low thinking Marcos was behind her but she grunts as a blast sends them flying back as they blew up the charger. She hits the ground harshly on her side, the right side of her head smacks against the ground dangerously, causing her vision to blur before she blacks out; pain everywhere.


"Zamoras are here", Luca shouts, "they just took out our car with an RPG ", he turns carefully as Street yells out in pain, "Streets injured. He's got a piece of shrapnel in his leg!", he says as Hicks voice comes over the phone asking for Amina. He turned to his right to see she was unmoving,

"MILS!", he grunts crawling over to her as gunfire continues, he reaches Amila turning her over, he sees the injury to her head, her arms cradling her stomach in a fetal position,
"Amila's hurt bad! Like really bad", he tells them as Hicks snapped,
"Get her out of there, Luca! Protect her and the baby!".

The silence was deafening all around as Luca was shocked, he slowly moved her hands and he was speechless, he could see the baby bump,
"Oh no, Mils", he whispered before carefully picking her up along with Street who limped up firing at the cartel,
"Hey, Marcos, get up! The plant! Go!", he shouted as Marcos shook his head, his eyes funds Amila's unconscious body in Lucas arms,
"AMILA!", he yelled in despair as they ran inside for cover.

Luca carries Amila in the plant for safety, away from the gunfire as she was still unconscious. Street groans in pain from the wound on his leg as he limped/ran inside. Marcos was upset with himself; Amila got hurt because of him, it was all his fault.

"I counted three of'em. May be more", Luca rushes out as Street winces,
"We can't stay here", he tells them.

Luca adjusts Amila carefully as they plant to get ahead of the plant to lose them but Marcos didn't move,
"Come on, Marcos. What are you doing?", he asked turning back.
Marcos gazed at Amila,
"You take care of her! I ain't going with you", he breathed out.

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