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*Back at HQ*

Amila and Hondo stood side-by-side in Commander Hicks office. She wanted to speak to both of them privately but not without Hicks wanting to inform them on Ignacio.
"At about 1300 hours, Cuevas entered the states using a false name. Now, ICE located him but they didn't alert anyone. So this is their screw up, not ours. Now, typically, I wouldn't condone it, but Chris did good with letting Jenni run", he says as Luca walked in taking a stand beside Amila,
"It would have been an even bigger mess to sort out with the DHS. How's she doing?", Hicks questioned.

Hondo spoke up, "with the exception of a hand laceration, she's okay", he informed.
Hicks sighed with a nod, "good. Now, Cuevas and his men are looking at nice, long prison stints, thanks to all of you", he praised. Luca smirks at Amila who had her arms crossed,
"Really good work", Hicks looked at them, "Now, get out of my office and go home", he orders.

Amila got a pat on her back, turning to walk off but Hicks stopped her,
"Amila...Luca...", they turned back to him, "how's Mr. Guzman?", he asked. Amila had a feeling the way he said that was like Marcos deserved it. Luca chuckled,
"Couple stitches, but he'll be alright", he stated.

Amila stared at Hicks,
"Well, tell him SWAT appreciates his cooperation even though it came after obstructing justice", Hicks tells Luca. Hearing a scoff, he turns to Amila who had an angry expression,
"He didn't obstruct anything commander. He was trying to do the right thing. You know what...", she paused smacking lips, "you guys still don't see how hard he's been working to fix the mistakes he made and the trouble he gets himself into. It's like you all won't see past his rep sheet and all you do is judge him", she stared at Hicks deep in the eyes.
Luca cut-in,
"Amila, it's not like that", he speaks up.

Amila angrily turns her eyes set on Luca,
"Yeah? When have you ever looked at Marcos...like really looked at him. Have you noticed anything? No...why? Because all you see is some gang banger with a bad record...I thought coming back....", she stopped herself, pulling out her badge,
"If you can't accept the man that I love, then you don't have respect for me either....i quit ", she slammed her badge and gun on the table, turning and walked out.

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Hicks looked down at Amila's badge ushering Luca to follow after her which Luca desperately does. Hicks takes a seat, rubbing his chin. His heart tugged, Amila means everything to the team and he could see how much treating Marcos like a common criminal had hurt her. Molly would be upset with him if she found out Amila quit because of his own personal feelings for the man. He got up and walked out!

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Luca caught up with Amila in the locker room hearing the slam of her locker. He watched as she threw everything she had in a duffel,
"Amila, wait, please", he walks over to her but she puts a hand out stopping him,
"Don't!", she glared.
Luca stayed where he stood eyeing Amila as she was so angry that she even ripped up the pictures of them together with the rest of the team.
"I know your furious Amila and I'm sorry you're feeling like this all over again. We all made a promise and we keep breaking it", he softly says.

Amila glanced at him,
"It's whatever Luca. I thought you guys would trust me to get to know Marcos and see all the good he has deep inside but you can't just can't do that. I'm sick and tired of it. I'm not gonna force or make you all like him. I'm done", she walked out.
Luca tried to stop her but she moved out of his reach and walked off.

Amila held her head high as she passed Tan not saying a word. She didn't look his way to see his reaction but he was more so confused.
She exited HQ but jumped when arms wrapped around her. She instantly calmed feeling the warmth.
"Marcos...you jerk", she exclaimed punching his shoulder. Marcos smiled leaning down capturing his lips, he hummed as he felt her bite his lip,
"Don't tease me, Hermosa", he whispered then takes notice of her duffel bag,
"What's that?", he asked as she shrugged but he knew something was bothering her, "come on babe, talk to me", he leans against his car as she puts her duffel on the hood of his car,
"I...I quit", she stated looking away. Marcos frowned not knowing why she would quit.
"Amila...", he pulled her body into his, "whatever happened couldn't have been worth you quitting what you love", he grips her chin.

Amila pulled back rubbing her face angrily,
" you are worth it", she snapped at him, "no one understands how far you've come to be who you are right now. I fell in love with you the moment I sat my ass on that counter and you worked your magic on my thigh. I fell in love with how gentle and caring you are and you didn't even know me in the beginning to go out of your way and did what you did. I was just some pig that moved into your neighborhood", she ranted as tears fell from her eyes down her cheeks. Marcos stayed silent as she always told him how much she loved him but this was a first for Amila to tell Marcos that she was deeply in love with him.
"I love you Marcos and none of them understands that. None of them wants to understand that you are a big part of my life. These past couple years have been the best part of my life", she was cut off by Marcos kissing her deeply. Amila could tell he was trying to help make her feel better but Amila meant every word she said.

Marcos exhaled,
"Hermosa...you are the best part of my life that I thank god everyday for. I wouldn't change a damn thing", he caressed her cheek, " how about a vacation from all of this. Just me and you. We'll go somewhere you always wanted to go and live every moment together", he softly suggested to Amila who thought about it and it actually was a good idea.
Amila smiled at Marcos,
"Alright, let's do it", she excitedly says hugging Marcos around the waist.

"Hey, uh, Marcos, Amila", they turned around to see Luca standing at the front of Marcos's car. Marcos eyed Luca who cleared his throat walking up to them. Marcos scoffed,
"What else you fools need. I already gave my statement", he said as Amila kicked the ground silently.

"Nothing", Luca responded, "we're good", he nervously looks at Amila.
Marcos took notice of it,
"Good. Now can we go", he said motioning for Amila to get in the car but Luca stopped them both,
"Hold up, hold up, please", he sighed, "look, despite everything, you came through for that girl. Mama Pina knows that. She's a good lady. Thanks for your help today man", he said which Marcos got in his car looking over at Amila who squeezed his forearm,
"Aye...", he called out to Luca who turned around,
"Don't think I'm gonna bail your ass out every time you can't solve a case", he smirked with a serious expression.
Luca smiled,
"Don't think I won't pull you over if I see your taillight out" he joked.

Marcos nodded placing a hand on Amila's thigh,
"Hey Mils...", Luca leaned down beside her open window,
"SWAT for life...take all the vacation you got saved up and when your ready come back to us", he handed her back her gun and badge, "I want to hear all about it....and....i call dibs on being second best man", he tells her with a wink.

Amila couldn't help but smile as tears fell from her eyes. She took her gun and badge placing them ok the glove compartment,
"Tell Hicks he won but next time...", she looked over at Luca who nodded understanding just what she meant,
"Love you Mils", he whispered.
Amila punched his shoulder,
"I love you to bestie", she smiled as he walked off, Marcos squeezed her thigh,
"Where to Hermosa?", he asked.
Amila glanced at him,
"Wherever we want", she leaned over pressing her lips against his. Marcos pulled back nudging her chin, starting his engine and drove off.

Amila stared out the window,
"To our future", she whispered as it echoed through her mind. She didn't know what the future would hold but she knew Marcos was in it for a long time. But would SWAT be her whole life; that she didn't know.
Till then.....

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