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Surgery was very tough, Amila was brought out of it over an hour ago and was placed in the ICU. She was being monitored throughly by the doctor and nurses. She had lost a lot of blood but they were grateful she didn't need a tube to help her breathe.
The doctors were a bit shocked that Amila was waking up right after the surgery but they put her back under anesthesia so that she wouldn't hurt herself.
The nurse that was assigned to her had tucked her in well under a nice warm blanket, checked her IV as well as her vitals. Once she was done she walked out towards the reception area but jumped slightly when an angry voice snapped,

The nursed looked up to see an angry tall Spanish dude as well as a younger boy that looked like him,
"Hi...I'm Monica, how can I help you?", she asked walking up to them.

The man turned to look at her,
"I'm looking for my girlfriend...Amila...she's a cop", he stated and then nurse nodded,
"I'm Sammy, I'm the nurse that was appointed to Amila. May I ask you to please calm down and not disturb other", she says.
Marcos glared,
"Where is she?", he snapped.

The nurse shook her head,
"Your gonna have to calm down, sir, or I'll have you removed", she warned.

Marcos scoffed but Shorty stepped forward,
"Where is she?", his tone was soft yet hard.
The nurse rose an eyebrow but gestured for them to follow her. Walking past the desk, she pointed to a door, Marcos walked up to it, looking inside....their she was.
"The bullet caused her to lose a lot of blood but the doctor says the good thing of it all, is she's breathing on her own. She's a tough woman. The doc put her back under anesthesia after her surgery; only for her safety. But she will be okay", she says to Marcos who stared through the window. He looked back at Shorty,
"Wait out here", he says opening the door and walking in slowly.
Marcos exhaled eyeing the monitors before his eyes trailed over to Amila, her face pale, her lips chapped. He sees some dry blood on her cheek, he walks over and gently wipes it,
"Will you be staying here overnight?", he heard the nurse ask him. Marcos nods silently taking hold of Amila's hand, lifting it to his lips, he kissed it gently.

"We tried to get ahold of her Commander and Captain at Metro Swat but so far none of them is getting back to use but we're still trying", she softly says walking off, "I'll leave you alone".

This whole thing seemed wrong to Marcos, he had seen her not even a few hours ago. She was safe. She wasn't hurt. He grabs the chair near the wall and dragged it till it was next to the bed. He rubbed Amila's hand for comfort,
"Amila...", he softly says her name but her body didn't move nor react.
"Hey...", he looked towards the door at his brother who walks in slowly looking at Amila with sad eyes,
"Is she gonna be okay?"

Marcos nodded looking back at Amila leaning over, he rubbed her cheek,
"Yeah...from what they said", he replied as Shorty gave a pat on his back,
"I'll stay with you bro!"


Marcos got uncomfortable fast in the chair, he slowly sat on the bed, laying down as he was careful not to cause any harm to Amila. He laid his head next to hers, squeezing her hand and rubbing her cheek with his other.
Nurses had came and went as they checked Amila's vitals and got an estimate on when she would be able to go home as her vitals showed a lot of improvement but her mind is still trying to catch up.
Marcos had yet so see any of her friends or any family.
"I have some good news", he looked over at the doctor that walked in with his clipboard,
"Amila is expected to make a full recovery. But she won't be able to return to the field within a month or two", he stated to Marcos who nodded looking back at Amila's face,
"She should wake up soon...we just need to be patient" he tells him before leaving the room.

Marcos stood up rubbing his face tiredly, he cracked his neck walking up to the window, looking out at the scenery,
"Mmmm....", he heard a soft moan, turning, he sees Amila slowly open her eyes. He walked up to her bed, she was still groggy and he could see pain evident on her face,
"You okay, baby? Where does it hurt?", he asked as she shakes her head with a wince. He leaned down caressing her cheek planting a soft chaste kiss on her lips. Amila smiled goofily squeezing his hand,
"Is Luca them okay?", she asked to which Marcos frowned rubbing the back of her hand,
"I'm not sure. None of them came to visit since I got here", he said seeing the sadness in her eyes.

Amila gazed at Marco's as he leaned over,
"I got you, Amila. I love you", he softly says.
She smiled softly, reaching her hand up, she rubbed his cheek where she felt a light stubble,
"I love you to", she replied wholeheartedly.

"I'm glad you love each other but what about me?", they turned to Shorty who huffed crossing his arms with a pout,
"Hi short stack", she mumbled as he went in for a hug. Amila wrapped her arms around him, they pull apart when they hear a knock on the door,
"Hello...I'm Dr. Phelps. I came to check and see how your feeling?"

Amila slowly sat up with the help of Marcos who made sure to be careful of her left side,
"Feeling like crap", her voice hoarse.
Dr. Phelps nods,
"That's to be expected with your condition but in a day or two you'll feel a bit better", he tells her, "I also was able to finally get ahold of your Captain as well the Commander, they informed me two of your teammates will be stopping by".

Marcos scoffed seeing the doctor look at him,
"Now they care...after all these hours, only now they want to come and...", he stopped mid sentence when he felt Amila squeeze his forearm. Amila coughed leaning her head back and the monitors suddenly beeped and her body starts to convulse.


Marcos and Shorty couldn't help but fight with the doctors which got them kicked out of her room. Watching from the window as they tried to revive her. He walked backwards slowly into the wall, sliding to the ground, he prayed silently,
'God please, please don't you take her from me'


Marcos had angrily paced the hallway of the hospital, his eyes never left Amila's door. He needed to know what went wrong and why? He stopped mid-step as the doctor walked out,
"I'm sorry about that. She's gonna be fine. Her blood pressure spiked and her heart was not pumping enough blood. I had given her another dose of sedative to keep her stable for the time being. I promise you, you have nothing to worry about. She is gonna be just fine", he gave Marcos a pat on the back.
Shorty walked over to his brother standing beside him,
"You got a strong woman, Marcos. She will be okay", he softly tells him. Marcos sighed grabbing Amila's hand, lifting it to his lips, he kissed it, giving it a gentle squeeze,
"I'm here", he whispered. He felt her hand twitch,
"Me and Shorty...we're here. We got you Hermosa", he leaned over giving her forehead a kiss,

"We ain't going no where".

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