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The day was like any other except Amila had been puking her guts out all morning. She was pale and sweat coated every part of her skin. She would had been embarrassed if Marcos and Shorty were there. She had caught the flu a few days ago and only then did she begin to vomit.
She flushed the toilet with a groan, walking to the sink, she felt like complete and utter crap.
Washing her hands with soap, her phone beeped. Once she was done, she dried her hands, rinsing her mouth with mouthwash, grabbed her phone; it was Tan, they needed her help with a case.
She spat out the mouthwash and got ready for work.
Before leaving she kissed Abuela on the cheek and left. The relationship between the team and Marcos were still a bit rocky but they hardly spoke or saw one another. She got in her car and drove off to meet the team on scene. She knew though Marcos would not be very happy with her, he knew how she was feeling and he would be upset if she went to work.

Amila slowly pulled up behind Deacon's charger, she pulled out her phone shooting a text to Marcos and letting him know what she was doing, she hopped out,
"Hey guys", she greeted.

Hondo and Deacon greeted her with a smile of their own,
"Hey Mils...so 50-squads tied up with a burglary in Larchmont. Patrol got a visual on one male shooter. When they arrived on the scene, our trigger-happy suspect fired shots at the unit", Hondo explains.
Amila put on her vest and stopped feeling that familiar feeling rise in her throat. She coughed, clearing her throat as Deacon asked how many hostages were inside. Hondo informed them only one; the store owner who most likely got him pinned to the front interior,
"Bang and breach, front entry or?", she spoke up before Tan could. He pinched her arm with a huff.
"Bang and breach, yes, but we enter on the three side", Hondo replied shutting his trunk.
Amila followed after Tan as they went to the three side, Hondo tries the door but its locked,
"Deacon", he called forward, "Tan, get a flash bang", he ordered.
Deacon used the lock remover, the machine whirred and broke the lock out,

Amila nods as they enter and Tan tosses in a flashbang,
"20-David making entry", Hondo commed. She followed after Tan carefully watching his back,
"Clear", she says looking in the bathroom. She looked up, a frown cast on her face,
"Hondo, looks like somebody tried to get out through that window", she said seeing blood.
Hondo sighed, "Ain't nobody getting through that", he commented, "but they were desperate enough to try", he softly said before they make their way out and entering the store area.
"20-David, we're approaching the north side of the building", Hondo says through comms, "Hold", he tells them seeing a man near the liquor aisle.
Amila looked closely to see he was pointing close to where she was, she slowly moved her head to the left to see the suspect, she signals Hondo,
"LAPD! YOU NEED TO COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS RAISED!", she yelled out but he made no move.

Hondo signaled Deacon and Tan to go around and Amila was to keep watch. Hondo pulled out a flashbang of his own and as soon as they got the all clear, he tossed it into the aisle. Bang! The flashbang went off, they hear shouts which the man fired his gun at Deacon who moved out of sight.
"Put the gun down man!", Amila yelled, "you ain't got a way out of this! We have you surrounded!", she looked over at Hondo who stepped out in front of her,
"Come out slowly", he pulls out the taser ball gun,
"show us your face!", he yelled.
Deacon could see the shooter,
"Drop your weapon now ! Get on the ground! Now!", he yelled just as the man stepped out with his gun raised but Hondo shot him and the taser cackled against the suspects chest, causing his body to seize slightly groaning out loud.
Amila kicked the gun away from his hand as Deacon went hands on to secure the suspect.
Hondo gave a nod to Amila who lowered her weapon,
"20-David. Suspect in custody. Code 4", he commed.
Amila walked over to the store owner kneeling down beside him,
"Hey, eyes on me. 21-David requesting emergency transport for one gunshot victim", she smiled gently at the man,
"You're gonna be okay, I promise".

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