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Amila stared out the window of Marcos's car thinking about how Christmas was right around the corner but also wondering who she'd be spending it with. She gazed over at Marcos randomly patting his chest,
"Hey, quick question, so...Christmas is around the corner, do you guys have anything planned with your familias?", she asked Marcos who rubbed his face shrugging his shoulders,
"Can't really celebrate when you have to watch your back 24/7", he looked over at her as she turned slightly being careful of her thigh,
"Well....I'm making a huge party at the courts and I want all of you to be there and bring your familias...I already spoke with the whole neighborhood and their excited to celebrate as one", she smiled at him, " I want you to be there as well...your crew and their families", she looked at him as he was speechless.
She turned to his boys,
"Please bring your families, it'll only be me", she begged as the boys nodded agreeing to bring their kids and wives.
Amila stuck her tongue out at Marcos just as her phone vibrated indicating she got a message. She pulled out her phone seeing it was a message from her boss saying to meet at HQ for a debrief and that they could really use her help. Amila put her phone away rubbing her temple,
"You alright?", she looked over at Marco's who looked between her and the road.

Amila nodded,
"Yeah, just wondering what's so important that they need me and I'm not even medically cleared yet", she sighed, "I was comfortable now I won't be", she grumbled. She hears him chuckle turning the corner pulling up beside HQ. Amila sees Tan and Street talking which she didn't care if they see her with Marcos.

"Thank you for the ride...it meant alot", she tells him seeing the soft look upon his face,
"No problem Hermosa", he said just as she leaned over to plant a chaste kiss to his cheek. She pulled back opening the door and climbing out. Marcos got out going to his trunk and pulled out her crutches,
"Here", he handed them to her as she slowly walked on her wounded leg,
"I don't think I'll use that today", she smiled going to grab it but he put it back in the trunk,
"I'll hold it if you need it", he says closing the trunk.
Amila nods staring at his face, he looks at her and she makes a dorky face and he pushes her head back gently.
She laughed walking up to him, poking his chest, he grabbed her arm pulling her body into his. Her eyes trail up to his,
"I'll see you later hot shot", she pats his chest. He leaned forward kissing her temple,
"See you later Hermosa", he softly said turning her body and ushering her towards the gate. Amila held her hands up,
"Alright, alright, I'm going", she limped off.

"Hey Amila....", Marcos called out which caught the attention of the others.
She turned with a questionable gaze, he smiled,
Amila frowned until she realized why he was saying that, her smile grew wide,
"I would have made you come if you said no", she winked walking off.

"Hey, Tan, Street", Amila called out to her teammates.

Tan and Street greeted her with fist bumps,
"Yo, we heard Hicks was giving the all clear for you to return to duty. Went above Captain Cortez to", Tan stated.
Amila shook her head,
"Must be serious if they need me", she muttered. She geared up thanks to Street for always having her backup gear.
Street walked up to her clearing his throat,
"So, uh, you and Marcos? You guys a thing or...?", he crossed his arms looking at her.

Amila crossed her own arms looking him straight in the eyes,
"If we are...do you have a problem with that?", she raised an eyebrow as he put his hands up in surrender,
"No, no, I'm just curious, not judging or anything", he smiled looking away.
Amila shoved him lightly as Tan approached them,
"Hondo wants us to meet him outside of Gembetta's new hideout. He wants me to fill you in on the way", he says as they got in and went to meet up with the team.

"Guess who's back", Tan yelled to the team who turned and greeted her with excitement. Hondo walked up to her giving his signature fist bump,
"I want you to go easy okay...I know Hicks cleared you but I also know your doc didn't give the all clear, so I want you to go in light", he said to which Amila nodded putting her vest on, holstering her gun,
"Let's do this!"


Amila tapped the back of Lucas vest as he busted the door open,


"L.A.P.D! Weapons down!"


"Took clear! Straight out"

"Get them out of here. I got Gembetta", Hondo ordered.

Amila stood beside Hondo as the others got the rest of the men out of their,
"You and me are gonna talk", he stared Gembetta in the eyes.

"Corey Barker bought automatic shotguns from you. That right?", Hondo questioned.

Amila whistled in shock beside Street finding semi automatic machine guns and more,
"Man, this guys got more hardware than I see in our own armory...", she turned to the guy with a smile, "so, idiot, your looking at life, no parole, unless you want to really help us out and possibly yourself", she says crossing her arms.

Gembetta sighed shaking his head,
"Barker", he muttered, "wanted semi-auto gauged, lots of power but with ammo that couldn't be traced. Bought three for him and his boys, said they were doing a job to save his brother, Tony", he explained to them.
Amila held onto her vest,
"Corey tell you they were hitting the L.A.P.D crime lab?", she said looking into his eyes.

"Nah. He said they had to get rid of some lady who survived that lab thing, might've seen something", he tells them. Amila looked to Chris who was just as confused as she was,
"Wait, wait, wait. Barker said he was going after the witness?", Chris asked.

"He just said; if the lady gets dead then his brother goes free", Gembetta states.

"Rebecca Cates?", Street and Amila chorused.

Amila glared pushing the button on her comms,
"This is 21-David to Commander Hicks, you got three shooters heading your way to take out Rebecca Cates...", she limped out behind the team as they rushed off.

"Affirmative Amila, I'm on it", Commander Hicks responded.
Amila and the team hopped into Black Betty and Luca floored it to the hospital.


Amila led Deacon and Chris to the exit stairwell, pressing the elevator, pressing the fourth floor where the shooter may be keeping a look out, and was most likely keeping an eye on the elevator. They rushed up the exit stairs, opening the door quietly and approaching where the shooter would be. Amila slowly turned to look seeing the male shooter. She signally Deacon and Chris, the elevator dinged just as the man fired a couple shots. Amila dashed forward slamming her gun on the man's hands, kicking his feet out from under him, pointing her weapon at him,
"Drop it or die...you choose", she yelled as Deacon kicked the gun away putting the man in cuffs. Chris gave a pat to Amilas back who was leaned up against the wall,
"You alright Amila...?", she asked to which Amila nodded shaking out her leg and her neck strained a little,
"Yeah, I'll be fine", she replied.

Amila followed Hondo as they made sure Commander Hicks was alright. Once they got confirmation, Hicks ordered Amila to get checked out before going back to HQ. Once she had done that and they cleared her, she headed straight back with Street and Chris.

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