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Amila headed straight into the armory room as soon as she separated from Chris and Street. She was informed that they were to head to where Rebecca Cates was injured and find the shotgun shell she had hidden. Woman was brave to even have done that while she was wounded.
"Alright, ima work my magic and see what I can get", she says using her tech to find any prints or information that could lead them somewhere. Her phone rang, pulling it out she sees a number she didn't recognize,
"Hello!", she answered but no one spoke. She looked to see if they hung up but didn't.


Amila frowned, "Shorty...is that you?", she could tell by the sound of his voice.

"Yeah, Amila my brother got mad at my abuela, he broke a few things and he left, he didn't take his car...I can't find him", he shakily said.

Amila walked to the corner,
"Okay, listen, I'm almost done with what I have to do and when i am, me and you will go look for him. I promise", she tells Shorty who exhaled,
"Shorty..he's gonna be okay. Don't worry", she hung up saving his phone number.

Her computer pinged signaling she got a hit,
"Boom!", she says limping out of the armory and into the intel room,
"I got some good news... thanks to Rebecca I was able to get some physical evidence from it. I was able to lift a partial thumbprint, completed it with some digital imaging and receive a match", she said pulling up the file for them to see.

"John Seeley. 41 in and out of prison since he was 18 years old for various armed robberies", Hondo read out.

"Seeley was released from Folsom a month ago after serving six years, didn't bother reporting it to his parole officer", Tan cut in.

Amila sighed rubbing her neck as it throbbed lightly, she squeezed her tablet against her chest clenching her teeth as DEA Nia spoke up,
"I got in touch with his last cell mate, who said all Seeley talked about was the L.A.P.D crime lab. He'd read an article about it in the Los Angeles Chronicle and became obsessed with it", she explained to them.

"I'll be damned", Hicks muttered.

Tan talked up to the screen,
"I ran his prison ID computer activity log. He spent hours on the chronicles website taking virtual tours of the crime lab", he pulled up the schematics of the lab.

Nia shook her head,
"Seeley had all the information he needed online to cook up the scheme of a lifetime".

"Where'd he get the name Kraft?", Hicks voiced out.

Hondo pointed to the article,
"Check out the byline" he pointed to a name.
"Justin D. Kraft", Amila and Tan chorused,
"Seeley took the reporters name", Tan finished.

Hicks nods,
"I want plain clothes detectives shadowing every one of these suspects in the evidence list", he ordered.

Hondo crossed his arms,
"And if we don't find Seeley, we'll follow a buyer going to him", he says.
"Alright", Hicks nods leaving.


Amila limped to the armory, pulling out a duffel bag and smiled at all the toys she bought for the toy drive but she had a truck load coming over later tonight for the party, she walked out Jessica's office,
"Hey Deac...these kids will definitely love my toys, I may have topped everyone this year", she excitedly says as he had a sad expression on his face,
"Hey Deac...if you ever need anything, you let me know", she tells him giving him a pat on the back as he smiled softly.

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