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Amila sat at the kitchen table drinking a nice cup ice coffee smiling to herself as she thought back to a year ago. She had gotten shot, had moved into her new home with her best friend and Street. She met Marcos and his families.
Christmas Day Marcos officially asked her properly to be his girlfriend which she didn't care if he hadn't asked but he was sweet to do it. His crew was told about her and they had mad respect for their leaders girl. They had helped each other when rough times would occur for his business.
But in all, Marcos was just a giant teddy bear.
When Luca and Street had found out about them, they were speechless, theirs mouths were hung open everything. It was funny.


A ringtone sounded near Amila's ear that woke her up. She groaned turning her head to see it was Marcos's phone. She laid her head back down only to hear the ringtone again,
"Marcos..", she gently shook him. He grunted turning his head, lifting his hand to rub her cheek,
"What's wrong?", he asked groggily.
Amila rubbed his chin,
"Your phone keeps ringing", she whispered seeing him reach over for his phone. He answered whoever it was that was calling him so early in the morning and she guessed it wasn't good because he ended up snapping at whoever was on the other end of the phone.
She felt Marcos move and she sees him putting on his shirt,
"Hey...everything okay?", she asked sitting up and crawling to the end of the bed.
"I got to handle some business", Marcos replied as he puts his phone in his pocket.
Amila stood up walking over to the dresser opening it and taking it out of her weapons holder,
"Here...", she hands him his gun. He takes it looking at her,
"I won't use it...unless it's life or death", he tells her. Amila nods caressing his cheeks, she leaned up pulling his head down to kiss her,
"You be safe, yeah!", she whispered kissing him one more time. Marcos grunted pulling back eyes trailing her face, she pat his chest, "come on, I'll walk you out".

Amila walked out of her room only to bump into Street and Luca who chuckled but was surprised and shocked to see Marcos walk out as he was putting his jacket on,
"Hey, uh...Marcos", Street stuttered looking confused; more so looked like a lost puppy.
Marcos shook his head walking past them followed by Amila who shoved Street back,
"I'll see you later Hermosa", he turned to her, eyeballing Luca and Street. Amila nods with a soft look,
"Definitely", she says smiling as he kissed her right in front of them. Amila pulled back giving his chest yet another pat , he walked out the door. She turned back to them, closing the door, with an innocent smile she walked away as the lost puppies followed after her with so much questions.


Amila stood up from the table walking into the living room just as Luca walked through the front door,
"Morning Amila, hey Street!", he greeted with a piece of paper in his hand.
Street was at the pinball machine,
"Your high scores going down", he teased Luca.
Amila rolled her eyes walking up to the machine hearing Luca laugh,
"Yeah...too bad you talk better than you play, buddy...hey check out this picture Kelly drew of Black Betty", he showed them the drawing feeling proud.
Amila smiled wide,
"Awe, that's so cute", she pat Luca on the back.

"Her mom says that she's about to start a new charter school this year", He said with excitement.

"Oh, really", Street spoke up but his attention stayed on the pinball, "hey, uh, you been still helping her with the reading, the dyslexia?", he asked.

Amila sipped her coffee,
"Yeah, couple times a week. Sometimes he can't even keep up with her let alone me", she smiled as Luca shoved her lightly.
A knock sounded at the door,
"Hey, you want to get that?", Luca shouted from the kitchen.

"And blow my game? Nice try", Street chuckled.

Amila tried to block his eyes then went to get the door instead. She opened it and smiled,
"Hi, Vera, is everything okay?", she asked noticing how worried she looked.

"Hi Amila, Luca...did Timo sneak over here to play pinball again?", she asked looking worried.
"Nope, I haven't seen him", Luca responded.

"His bikes gone. I can't find him", Vera looks between them.

Amila frowned,
"Me and Street saw him about an hour ago, out front, doing tricks with Shelby", she says looking to Luca.
Vera grew more worried,
"He knows he's not supposed to be out without telling me where he's going", she said.

Luca spoke up,
"Maybe he just rode over to a friends house, got lost in a video game", he suggested trying to ease her worries.
Vera shook her head,
"He always leaves me a note, something's not right", she cried.

Amila rushed to her room, grabbing her jacket along with her phone, badge and gun,
"Alright, let's go, we'll help you find him", she walks out the house, the boys following after her. They walked through the neighborhood,



They checked all the streets and ended up at the corner of the 24 HR market to see Street running out of it,
"Yo, cashier says Timo bought some dog treats about 30 minutes ago", he says breathing out.
Luca nodded,
"Okay, that's good. That means we're on the right path", he looked around.
Amila cut in,
"If he tried to avoid traffic, fastest way back home from here is that direction", she jogged off.



Amila searched down below the canal as Luca was above calling out for Timo. She didn't see anything so she decided to climb back up and over the stone wall,
"Come on, let's keep looking", she says as she searched between the neighbors cars.
They reached an alleyway and Luca spotted something on the ground,
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on", he picks up the plastic bag showing what was inside; it had an unopened bag of dog treats. A loud gasp from Vera caught their attention as she ran past them,
"Oh no. That's Timo's bike", she yelled in despair.

Street and Luca stopped her from touching the bike in case their were any fingerprints or evidence left on it,
Amila pulled out her phone,
"Hey, this is L.A.P.D S.W.A.T specialist officer Amila, 21-David. I want to report a missing child", she says to dispatch. Amila could only hope nothing bad happened to Timo.

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