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Amila exhaled as soon as she walked into the break room, calming herself down. She was surprised to see Luca still there at the table with all the notepads and prospects of the food truck. She could hear Marcos in the back of her mind telling her to take it slow so she opted in doing just that. She nervously takes a seat across from him much to his surprise and takes one of the prospectus looking it over,
"I remember, a while back you mentioned this", she smiled to herself. Luca stopped with a soft look,
"Yeah, I figured, why not. But um, you know everyone's got their responsibilities", he sadly stated looking back at his paper.
Amila quietly thought it over and closed the brochure,
"It won't be much, but I can throw in 10k if you want", she softly says which left Luca speechless. She gazed at him and he cleared his throat,
"Amila...no, you don't. You don't have to", he looks at her.

Amila nodded,
"I want to...besides I uh, I missed....i missed my best friend", she softly says seeing his smile. He stands up walking around and hugs her tight,
"I missed you to Mils", he softly chuckles squeezing the life out of her. He pulled back with a huge smile then going back to take a seat across from her,
"I really appreciate it Mils...I really do", he picks up his pen and continues to jot down on his notepad.

"Luca!", they turned to see Hondo walking in.
"Yo", Luca greeted.

"Xiomara got any of that dinner behind? Hearing those fools talk about her grub all damn day got me some type of hungry", Honda retorts walking up to the fridge and opened it,
"I don't know. Check the fridge, bro", Luca points.

Amila picks up Luca's cup and sips from it like she use to do, even putting her feet on his thighs; like she use to. Honda sees their interaction and was glad to see them both talking,
"alright, lets see what she's working with", he speaks up as they both look to see his reaction, "Oh!", he was shocked, "All right, i guess the hype is real", he says taking another bite. Amila looked away to see Luca smiling but it fades a few seconds later,
"Hey", Honda calls out.

"There's a lot of food trucks out there, man. You sure you thought this all the way through?', he questioned straight to Luca.
"Oh, hell, yeah, man. And people would flock to it", he pointed out. Amila couldn't lie when she smelt the food; her mouth watered.
Honda nods,
"Alright, lets say you got a late-night call. Truck breaks down. How you gonna get it back on the road before the bars close?", he questioned which sounded more like a test.
Luca thought about it carefully,
"Well, Marty Jensen's been looking for something to do ever since he retired from the garage", he answered.

"And if Xiomara gets the flu?", Honda fired back.

Luca smiled,
"Her niece Rosita has all the recipes, man. She said she'd take every hour that we could give her", he stated. Amila smirked flipping through the prospectus,
"How many burritos you got to make to pay all theses people, Luca?".

Luca was flabbergasted,
"Dude, we don't do burritos", he corrected, "It's Guatemalan, man", he looked at Honda, "Look, i got it all lined up. Once the trucks out on the road, I think we'd be in the black after, like, three months", he finished explain.
Honda cleared his throat,
"All right, listen, i'm not sure what kind of advice I could give you as an investor", but Luca cut him off with a pained expression,
"Look, i get it, all right? You don't have to feel obligated to let me down easy. I'm good. And besides, Amila just helped me. She's gonna put 10k", he says looking back down at his notepad.
Honda looked at Amila who kept her eyes glued to the booklet.

"Luca, when you and Amila bought that house, I wasn't sure it was gonna last...just telling you both the truth", Honda says leaning on the table, "But you both made it work, man. And when Kelly got rejected from that school, you didn't just write a letter. You showed up in person, and you fixed the problem", he looked Luca in the eyes, "Look, man, I don't need a spreadsheet to know you have what it takes to do this. Now, I don't know where you're gonna get the rest of the money from, but you can put me down for 5k. And you don't have to worry", he placed a finger to his lips, "I'm the silent type of partner because you're gonna kill it", he tells Luca proudly.
Amila could see how thankful and happy that made Luca,
"I don't know what to say, man", Luca says speechless.

Honda turned to Luca,
"You don't got to say nothing", he pat Luca on the arm, "Just do the damn thing", he says laughing. Luca chuckled, so much emotions was going through him and he was very grateful.

"Oh, Amila?", Honda called out to her which she turned to look at him, "Hicks will handle Lynch and what she did. I promise you...I would have spoken with you first if i ever had made a decision like that", he says with a soft look walking out.
Amila gazed back down pulling out her phone,
"I got to go", she stood up. Luca had stood up with her, "Hey, Mils, I uh, how are things with you and Marcos?", he asked walking alongside of her.
Amila smiled gazing up at him,
"We're doing great. You'd have to thank him though, he uh, sort of talked some sense into me...", she chuckled, "he told me the only way for me to get this weight off my shoulders is if I start forgiving", she tells him as they continued pass the training area.

Luca chuckled,
"Well, thank you, for giving me another chance. It means a lot", he thanked her. They walked out of HQ,
"Oh, hey, before I forget, how's your face? That's gonna scar", he winced touching her cheek gently. Amila shrugged gazing up at him,
"It doesn't really hurt", she smiled then looks across the lot to see her sharp, handsome man, standing outside the gate of the lot,
"He probably won't be happy about it, but uh...", she clicked her tongue. Luca nods to Marcos who looks away. Amila smiled nervously,
"Don't take it to heart...I'll catch you later", she looked back at Luca who hugged her tightly,

Amila pulled back turning to walk out of the lot towards Marco's who instantly sees her face and his whole demeanor changed. She gulped as he angrily walked up to her, taking her face in his hand, eyeing the cut with rage,"The hell happened, Amila", he hissed then tried to walk past her but she stopped him,
"Whoa there...no, no"; she put both hands on his chest,
"No, I'm okay, babe. Really I'm fine", she smiled as he eyed her quietly before exhaling,
"Who did it?", he asked. Amila noticed Shorty who walks up to them and gives her a fist bump,
"Here, I'll take that", he grabs her bag and walks back to the car.
"It was just some crazy patient from West Psychiatric Hospital. Street was being his usual mouthy cocky self and by being that, he sort of angered the guy and me being the awesome person that I am, I took the big guy down, but not before he cut my face", she explained as Marcos frowned tilting her chin up so he got a good look at it,
"First day back and they couldn't even....", he wasn't able to finish his sentence as Amila cut him off with a kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down to her height. Marcos deepened the kiss lifting her in the air as he pulled back, eyes trailing every inch of her face. He kissed her once more before placing her back down on her two feet and ushered her into the car. Amila sat in the seat leaning her head back, smiling to herself, she felt exhausted a bit from the day she just went through but with Marcos he knew how to make her day better. She felt at peace for giving Luca a second chance, even though for the others it would take more time to get back how they use to be. She just hoped and prayed everything could go back to that. But time could only tell!!!

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