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Walking into HQ, Street and Luca went to inform Hicks about the info they got while Amila led Marcos into the tech room, she put her phone on the table, gazing at Marcos who had a lot on his mind and she wasn't sure if she should add more to it. Amila was terrified to tell Marcos, she wasn't exactly sure of his reaction if she was to tell him, especially when dealing with all this cartel stuff. She knew she had to tell him soon since it'd be a matter of time before she started showing, she cleared her throat nervously turning to face him,
"I need to tell you something", she muttered as Marcos frowned turning to face her, he could see how nervous she was,
"Are you leaving me?", he blurted out which Amila's eyes grew wide in shock,
"What? No, you doofus", she smacked his arm, "I'm not leaving you", she said as he breathed out in relief standing in front of her,
"What is it, Hermosa?", he asked softly, relieved she wasn't breaking up with him.
Amila cleared her throat, opening her mouth to speak but Luca and Street walked back in, she sighed,

"We'll talk later, okay", she said seeing him nod, squeezing her hand.

Luca opens a phone box exhaling,
"Okay, if this guy answers, everything you to say is laid out right here", he said, handing the phone to Marcos.
"Yeah, I got it", Marcos said looking at the screen, "I tell him I'm Muriel Guzman's cousin. She's pregnant with Ulan's baby, and needs to see him tonight", he recited to Luca.
Amila nods touching his arm,
"Also, the cartel will take control of the meet, so wherever they pick, just agree to meet, okay", she said as he listened to her.
Street walked in,
"The phone company says the numbers active, but untraceable", he looked to Marcos, "you ready?".

Marcos shook his head,
"Not until I know we got a deal", he said to them.

Street frowned,
"Commanders working on it still", he said which Marcos refused to call anyone till he knew for sure the deal was sealed.

Hicks walks in, holding up a file,
"Offer from the DEA. They drop your resisting arrest charge, and when Ulan is captured, you enter WITSEC, with a healthy stipend to boot", he says to Marcos.
Marcos looked to Hicks,
"Shorty, too, right?".

Amila crossed her arms wanting to know the same thing, her eyes meet Hicks,
"Well, they agreed to let Shorty enter witness protection if he's cleared of the charges against him", he explained which didn't sit well with Marcos,

"That'll take months. And how do we know he'll be cleared, huh? No way", he shook his head, "if Shorty ain't part of it, no deal", he said which Hicks scoffed at. Amila turned to Marcos who was already facing her trying to control his anger, his head down, she frowned as he whispered,
"Not without shorty". It was barely audible but she heard it. That hurt her deep, to see him so vulnerable and hurt.
She spots Boyle and motioned for Luca and Street to talk to him,
"Commander, you mind if we, uh, try to twist Boyles arm?", he asked, receiving the okay from Hicks. Street followed to make sure they could get the deal.
Amila's eyes were on Marcos as she watched his agitated firm, family was everything to him and if he couldn't protect them, he'd never forgive himself. She glanced at Luca and Street who gave them a nod,
"You got the deal babe", she whispered, turning his face to hers, "you ready?", she asked seeing him nod yet his expression showed he was relieved to know Shorty was in the deal.
Now to get Ulan Zamora!


Marcos made the call pacing back and forth as the line rung and no one was picking up so his patience was running thin. Amila stood beside Luca as Marcos looked over at them,
"He ain't gonna pick up", he stated as Luca lowered his voice,
"Just give it a sec".

The line continued to ring then Marcos stopped looking at them, pulling the phone away from his ear, putting it on speaker,
"This is Marcos Guzman. I'm Muriel Guzmans cousin. Muriel knows a friend of yours name Z. She got some news a while back that she's having a baby, and Z's the dad", he paused, "she thought he'd want to know".

Amila hears the man's voice,
"Who the hell did you say this is?", the man aggressively questioned.

"Text him the photo", Street whispered. Marcos sent the photo through text,
"Marcos Guzman. Check your phone. Just sent you a text".

"What's she want? Money?" The man retorted.

Marcos held the phone closer,
"She wants to meet Z and talk it out", he said.

"Well, that's not gonna happen. Not till you go through me".

Luca nods for Marcos to agree,
"All right. Where and when?", he asked, hoping he'll get an answer.

"There's an old machine shop on the corner of Santa Ana and Hill. Thirty minutes. Just you and the girl!"

Marcos snapped the phone shut looking at Luca,
"Paperwork better be ready for me to sign when I get back", he tells them. Amila looked to Luca who pulled out his phone,
"Just for word from the deputy warden. They're moving Shorty to a single-room cell. He's gonna be safe", he pats Marcos on the arm walking off.
Marcos's eyes land on Amila who stands to his left, her chin on his shoulder,
"I'll call to make sure no other inmate is to make any contact with him", she kissed his cheek as he nods,
"Thank you Amila", he paused, looking at her face, " what did you want to tell me earlier?", he brought up the conversation from earlier. Amila froze, playing with her hands,
"Uh, it can wait till later", she smiled going to walk away but Marcos stopped in front of her blocking her path,
"Amila, what's wrong?", he asked, now worried as to why she's acting that way.
Amila stared into his eyes, feeling defeated as she knew he wouldn't let it go, she grabbed his arm, pulling him into the hallway away from prying ears, feeling nervous, but his hands on her shoulders soothed any thought she had racing in her mind 

"I....", she stuttered, "I was scared to tell you because with everything going on, I didn't know how you'd react or feel", she said, her eyes met his confused ones. She reached into her back pocket, pulling out the small picture, she shakily handed it over to him.
Marcos was confused, taking the piece of paper, he turned it over and his heart instantly dropped; it was a sonogram and in it, he sees the shape of a tiny baby.
His eyes watered as he looked back at Amila,
"When?", he whispered.

Amila looked down at her feet sniffling,
"A couple weeks after we got back from vacation", she softly said, " I wasn't feeling good and I felt off. So I went to the doctors and that's when they told me I was pregnant".
Marcos stared at the picture, his heart thumping loudly, he was going to be a father,
"I'm gonna be a dad", he said touching the picture as his tears fell down his cheeks. Amila walked up to him, wiping it away gently, as his arms wrapped around her, she smiled hiding her face in his chest as he kept whispering he was gonna be a dad.
Marcos couldn't form his words into sentences of how happy he was that Amila was pregnant with their first baby,
"I hope it's a girl", he muttered.
Amila laughed softly, touching his face,
"What about a boy?", she asked but Marcos smiled tilting her chin up so that their eyes would meet,
"No matter the gender, as long as our baby is healthy, I'll love'em to death", he whispered wholeheartedly.
He kneeled down on his knee, his hands rested on her flat stomach but he could feel a small bump, closing his eyes he prayed to god, thanking him for giving him the life he always wanted and he begged god to protect them wherever they were.

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