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Amila dressed in a beautiful knee-length black dress, a small gold necklace with a heart pendant around her neck that Shorty had got her for her birthday last year, with a pair of black sandals that had little flowers on them.
Muriel wore the same type of dress but hers had short sleeves on them, Amila's had straps.
She gazed at Marco's who wore a black tux, black pants and black shoes. She could see him struggle trying to put his tie on. Smiling softly, she walked up to him grabbing the tie,
"You were never good at this", she whispered hearing him chuckle, squeezing her waist gently,
"That's why I have you Hermosa",he said placing his hands on her baby bump, "time ain't flyin' fast".
Amila laughed finishing his tie, she gave him a pat on the chest,
"It will", she says feeling him wrap his arms around her, leaning into his embrace she welcomed the warmth. Muriel walked in with a soft look,
"We're ready"
Amila pulled apart from Marco's who sighed heavily, he grabs her hand, giving it a firm soft squeeze before they head out.


About 25 minutes later, Marcos pulled up at the grave yard with a solemn expression. They exit the vehicle, Marcos had yet to want to approach the burial ground where Shorty's casket lay, he stood stiff,staring ahead,
"We'll meet you guys up there?", she softly says to Muriel and his Uncles who they had picked up along the way.
As they walked away, Amila reached up to caress his cheek,
"I know this is hard for you Marcos and I'm sorry you have to go through this again", she softly said comforting him. Marcos eyes welled with tears looking away,
"I can't do this", he hoarsely says.

Amila nodded wiping his tears that fell,
"I know nothing will erase the heartbreak of losing your brother; your best friend. But I want you to know, I will always be here for you. I know there will never be a day that you won't miss him and we'll carry his love with us where ever we go.
And I can't wait to tell the baby stories about how magical he was", she tells him whole heartedly, her own tears rolling down her cheeks. Marcos pulled her into his embrace, his forehead against hers,
"How do I do this?", he whispered shaking his head.

Amila stroked his cheek,
"You're not alone Marcos, I'm here. I'll always be here for you", she replied as he kissed her, "don't leave my side", he whispered.
Amila shakes her head,
"Never!", she promised.

The casket was closed per Marcos request, he couldn't dare look at his brother's face that would never be full of life or joy. Marcos sat there remembering all the good times with his little brother, he never wanted that life for him and because of it; he's dead. His legs bounced but Amila's hands soothed him to stop.
The pastor said a prayer since Marcos was hurting too much, lost in grief, he didn't want anyone speaking just sending his brother to heaven in peace,

"And so with love, we shall see you in peace. Go no with God, to love and serve the Lord"

Indistinct chatter could be heard all around them as the ceremony ended. Standing up sadly, Marcos had his shades on to hide his red stained teary eyes as Amila stood to his right rubbing his arm. He spoke so soft that Amila could hear him
"Til' next life"
Marcos exhaled opening his hand for Amila to take as she held Shorty's obituary pamphlet. He held an arm out for Muriel to take as he led them down the hill towards the cars,
"Marcos, Amila, look" Muriel spoke up catching their attention. They looked to where she motioned and they see Luca and Street standing not too far away in black tuxedos.
Amila frowned knowing how pissed Marcos would get. He removed his shades staring angrily at them before approaching them,

"YOU GOT NO RIGHT COMING HERE", he snapped at them.

"Hey, we just wanted to pay our respects", Street was the first to speak up.

Marcos scoffed,
"If you had any respect, you'd leave my family the hell alone", he hissed, trying to get up in their faces but Amila rushed over getting in between them,
"No! Stop it! Not here, Marcos", she scolded, moving him back a little.

"We're sorry for your loss. Okay, what happened to Shorty, it's tragic", Luca tried to ease the conversation but Marcos snapped,
"It's your damn fault is what it is", he glared at Luca.

Street spoke up,
"Hey, Marcos. There's no way we could've known that Shorty would cross paths with a rival banger while he was inside", he softly says.

Marcos lowered his voice,
"Just cause you didn't mean for it to happened doesn't change the fact that it did....", he stared deadly into their eyes, "you said Shorty'd be safe", gazing over at Shorty's grave then back to them,
"See how much your promises mean?", he eyed them as Amila rubs his arm, proud of him for keeping his cool and not letting his fists do the talking.

"Look, our promise is still good", Luca brought up, "we failed at saving Shorty but you and Muriel can still get out".
Marcos eyed him confused,
"The hell you mean?", he looked at them and Amila was wanting to know the same thing!

"The WITSEC deal the DEA put on the table, for your cooperation", Street answered him.

Marcos squinted,
"Is this a joke?", he asked but Luca shook his head,
"No, man. You wanted to get Shorty and Muriel out of the life, Shorty's gone. Muriel and her baby still need your help. The documents are all drawn up. All they need is your signature. You and your cousin can start new lives", he explained.
Amila cut in with a shake of her head,
"He only took that deal for Shorty", she says as Marcos spoke up,
"We crossed the cartel 'cause we believed in you. That belief is over", he states.

Luca sadly nods,
"Look, Marcos. I know you're a good guy. You're just hurting right now. Whenever you're ready, the deal is waiting for you", he softly tells him.
Marcos sighed heavily,
"We're done. Get out of here, Luca", he said turning to leave.

"Marcos, man. Come on"
"Luca, forget it. Come on"

Amila stands in front of them,
"Give him time, the wounds still fresh. I'll talk to him but please do not approach him anymore", she softly says as Luca nods.

"AMILA!" She turned to see Marcos waiting by the car for her. Turning back to them,
"I'll see you guys later", she says walking away.
Amila watched as Luca drove off, she headed back to Marcos but groaned softly feeling her stomach tighten, she gasped leaning on the front of the car,
"Amila!", she felt hands on her as she breathed out, "Amila, hey", she turned slightly as Marcos rushed to her side,
"What's wrong Hermosa?", he asked worried.
Amila inhaled,
"Nothing. I'm okay", she said but Marcos shook his head,
"That wasn't nothing", he frowned, his eyes trailing her body seeing how tense it was.
Amila cleared her throat, her stomach slowly un-tightening
"I'm okay. My stomach just felt a little tight for a second", she softly tells him.

Marcos kneeled down, his hands rubbing her baby bump, placing his forehead against her,
"Let's get home, you need to rest", he said, standing up, wrapping an arm around her as they got in the car and drove off. She didn't know what it was but all she knew was that she needed to be extremely careful, she could not stress herself out too much.

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