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Amila laughed beside Shorty as he helped her set up a couple tables and lights as well as a huge ass Christmas tree. She climbed a ladder placing a banner that said: MERRY XMAS MI FAMILIA!
She felt a hand on her lower back and turned her head smiling at Marcos who made sure she didn't fall back. She climbed down thanking him before limping over to the tables picking up a few ornament boxes and handing them to Shorty and his friends who helped put them up on the Christmas tree. Marcos was near the front with a few of his boys setting up the grills and setting the coolers side by side.
Amila smiled as some folks from the neighborhood started showing up with their kids. She was happy they came.
"Food will be ready soon. Drinks are their, help yourselves", Amila says.

Marcos started the grills up placing the meats on top as it sizzled,
"Thank you for doing this", he tilted his head to Amila who walked up beside him. He nodded as she gave him a side hug and punched one of his boys in the arm before limping away to scold Shorty. He chuckled with the shake of his head,
"Yo, Marcos...", he turned to Big Roy who motioned his head over at Amila,
"She yours?", he asked.
Marcos eyes trailed over to Amila who held Shorty in a headlock as he picked her up and for someone his size he had strength to pick her up, but then again she was small for her age.
"She is", he stated to Big Roy who respected that and helped out with the grills.

Amila received a phone call and she was happy to see it was for the delivery truck. When they told her that they were running a bit late but would be there as soon as they can. She walked over to the tables pushing the chairs in and she looked over to see Timo at the fence, she limped over and gestured for him to go in and smiled at Vera who walked in.
She checked on the boys seeing that they were pushing and shoving each other,
"Ay...that tree falls down I'm gonna kick all of your little butts", she exclaimed.

Marcos drank a sip of his beer laughing with his boys but stopped when he saw his abuela near the fence, he put his beer down and walked over to her,
"Abuela...", he softly said as she stared at him.
His abuela shook her head walking off but Amila brushed past him and stopped the woman,
"Don't go...", she softly said looking back at Marcos who shook his head going back to the grill.
Amila squeezed his abuelas hand,
"I convinced him to do this and I want you to be here to", she says in Spanish, "this is for everyone so, please, please don't go. He needs you abuela", she softly says.
His abuela nods squeezing Amilas hand and walks back inside the court with her and up to Marcos who turned. His abuela hugged him tight,
"I just want you and your brother to grow up and live the way you boys were suppose to", she says.
Marcos hugged her back tight, looking over to Amila who smiled limping back over to the Christmas tree.
His abuela watched the interaction and looked over at Marcos,
"She likes you baby. And you like her...what's stopping you?", she asked as Marcos frowned eyes trailing over at Amila.
"I don't know abuela...", he mumbled going to the grills.

Amila waited near the entrance as the trucks arrived, everyone in the courts were weary of what was going on. Marcos eyed up everyone who were tense but he told his boys to have them calm down and if anyone thinks of harming her, he'll kill them.
They watched as the back of the truck doors opened and was surprised to see it full of presents already wrapped.
The kids all squealed and cheered with glee and the parents had shocked looks amongst their faces.
Amila ordered the guys to place them all around the Christmas tree as she walked off to the side.
Marcos followed her as she leaned against the wall, shaking her leg out,
"Still stubborn", he spoke up.
Amila jumped but smiled standing up which Marcos shook his head,
"It's hurting isn't it!", he stated more than a question.
Amila shrugged it off but Marcos knew better, he could see the pain in her eyes but she was definitely fighting through it.
Marcos wrapped an arm around her waist helping her walk back as half of the presents were placed under and near the Christmas tree. She watched as his boys helped place them there.
"Thank you", Amila turned to Marcos who gazed down at her, "you didn't have to do this", he says.
Amila shook her head,
"Well, the team is all at HQ doing a toy drive and well I have no real family to spend it with and you guys are as close to any family I have", she softly said. Marcos squeezed her waist walking back inside.


About two hours later the whole neighborhood have arrived and enjoyed the food and drinks as well as the presents that were passed out to them by the help of Shorty and his friends. Parents on the whole block thanked Amila and Marcos but he didn't take any praise he wanted it all to go to Amila.
She happily hugged all the mothers and hand shook with all the fathers as well as the children who gave her hugs left and right.
"Thank you..."

Amila sat down with a couple boxes of her own and smiled at Shorty and Marcos who walked up to her,
"What a night huh?", she laughed as Shorty sat to her left pushing her slightly.
Amila picked up the medium box, handing it over to Shorty who frowned,
"Open it...I hear from a little birdie you were a huge sucker for it", she says softly as Marcos sat beside her watching Shorty open it.
His eyes grew wide,
"No fricken way...seriously...how did you find it?", he pulled out an original cd player it was basically like an antique to him.

"It wasn't hard to find. I had a friend out in Vegas who owed me and he found it at a garage sale", she smiled.
Marcos scoffed,
"Crazy, I couldn't even find it here", he argued.
Amila nudged her shoulder into him,
"Your turn", she said standing up limping over to a box and it was a bit heavy so she pushed it. Shorty helped her and placed it in front of him,
"The other day I was told your sounds were making some noise so I got you a brand new bass as well as everything that goes with is", she chuckled as he opened it. His eyes grew wide,
"Chica...you know this is expensive right...I can't take this", he said looking at her. Amila shrugged,
"Welllll...no take backsies", she sing-songed.
Marcos looked back at each and every new part, how she got this was beyond him. How much spent on him is beyond him.

Amila nudged his cheek,
"Merry Christmas", she whispered as he leaned forward kissing her forehead,
"Merry Christmas hermosa"

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