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Amila sat beside Hondo in the decoy van along with Deacon as Hondo was inserting a wire into the button of his shirt, so that they could get ears inside.
She knew Marcos was uncomfortable doing this but he wanted to end this, so that he could celebrate being a dad as soon as Shorty got out.
She had called the warden upon arrival to make sure that no inmate should be near Shorty at all times till the situation was handled. The warden had assured her that nothing would happen to him, but she just couldn't help but feel something was wrong.
"We need ears inside. It's the only way we can keep you safe. Now, the recorders built in the button, just try not to think about it", Hondo assures Marcos who sighed feeling out of place.
Amila placed a hand on his thigh to help calm his nerves, feeling him squeeze her hand, he checked his clothes but shook his head,
"When this guy sees Muriel ain't with me, won't he know something's up?", he asked weary looking between Deacon and Hondo.

"You just tell him that Muriel wants to meet Ulan. No one else", Hondo states.

Deacon turned,
"Once this guy trusts you are who you say you are, that's when you ask about Ulan's whereabouts. Now, he's not gonna give you a straight answer, but you keep your cool, keep him talking. He's bound to give something up", he explained to Marcos.

Amila squeezed his hand, he turned to her,
"Now, you know where to go, yeah? Half a block down this street. The DEA is listening in. Street and Luca will be posted just outside in the back alley", she says trying to reassure him that he'll be safe.
Hondo nods cutting in,
"Now, if anything goes sideways, Amila came up with the word "DOMINGO" work that word into conversation, and they'll move in. Just remember to try and stay calm", he says to Marcos as he breathed out calming his racing heart,
"Yeah", he nods, "I'm straight", he tells Hondo, "I'm good", he says more so to himself.
Hondo nods, as Amila squeezes his thigh,
"Go", she said as he moves to leave but turns back and kisses Amila. Amila pulled back, touching his cheek,
"You got this".
Marcos hurriedly leaves, shutting the van door. Amila sighed rubbing her face feeling extremely worried about his safety.
Hondo pats her on the leg, pressing the comm,
"Is he headed in?", he asked Street and Luca.

"As we speak", Street responded.

They listen closely as they hear an unknown males voices speak Spanish. Then a couple seconds later, they hear the microphone cackling, sounded like he was being pat down.

"Bueno...Follow me"

"Where's the girl?", Amila recognized the voice from the phone call earlier with Marcos.

"She wants to meet Ulan", Marcos states

"I bet she does", he retorted, "he clean?"

"He's not packing, Armando", the unknown male says.

"He wearing a wire?"

"Gonna have to search you. Take off your clothes, Chico".

Amila tensed knowing how fast Marcos could get angry when spoken to like that,
"What'd you say to me?", Marcos's pissed voice could be heard.

"He says we need to search you", The Armando guys speaks up, "relax. It's just how we do things".

"Look, I got a scared cousin out there who wants to talk to her baby's father. Where's he at?", he snapped, his voice was full of anger.

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