Autumn Chill - Lady Lesso

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"Aren't you cold?" Leonora questions as I stroll beside her. "Of course not. The temperature isn't even that low." I reply. Leonora frowns at me. "Sweetheart, the ground is covered in frost and you don't have a coat." she tells. I shrug. Silence falls between us, the only sound being the frozen ground under our feet. 

A soft breeze begins the blow. My hair flows across my face. I brush it from my eyes. "Are you sure you're not cold?" Leonora asks. I smile. "I'm sure." I answer. Am I lying? Yes, but she doesn't need to know that. Gradually, the breeze picks up. A shiver winds its way up my spine. Goosebumps coat my skin underneath my dress. 

I give my arms a soft rub in an attempt to warm myself up, even if it's only slightly. Leonora glances at me, then stops walking. I continue walking, then stop as I notice she's no longer beside me. I turn back. "Are you okay, honey?" I question. She gives me a knowing look. "You're cold, aren't you?" she asks, although it comes off more as a statement. 

I pause, then shake my head. "I've already said it's not that bad out here." I try convince. Leonora steps towards me slowly. "Y/n, sweetheart, I saw you rubbing your arms. I know you're cold." she explains. I don't reply. She unbuttons her coat and slips it off her shoulders. "Put this on." she says. "But won't you get cold?" I ask, reluctantly taking the piece of clothing from her grasp. "I'm much better with the cold than you are."

I hesitate, then pull the coat on. A wave of warmth flows through me as I wrap it around my body. Leonora nods, a soft expression on her face. "Thank you. Now, lets head back towards the schools, shall we?" she proposes. I nod, the autumn chill seeming to settle slightly. I follow, a small step behind Leonora. My gaze glides over her clothing. Her blouse, no thicker than a millimeter,  can't be any warmer than my dress. 

"If you get cold, honey, tell me. You can have your coat back." I say. Leonora pauses for a quick second so I can walk beside her. "I'll be okay. Like I said, I can handle the cold better than you." she voices. I smile softly before planting a small kiss on her cheek. 

She offers me a hand as we reach a set of steps to which the frost has made slippery. "Careful, sweetheart." she tells, her voice soft. I make my way up the steps, my hand still interlinked with hers as she follows me up. 

We enter the castle, once again at each other's side. "I will never understand why you choose the Never castle to stay rather than the Ever castle." Leonora says. The smell of must replaces what was once grass and rain. "I like it better, especially since it's where you are." I explain. Leonora follows me up the stairwell, our hands no longer together. 

I open the door to our quarters, a wave of warmth and comfort washing over us. I step inside.  Leonora closes the door behind us. I shake her coat off and hang it on the rack. I wander towards the fire, my frozen hands starting to thaw. Leonora sits on our bed and removes her heels. I lean on an armchair and do the same. 

I move to stand directly in front of the flames, letting the heat overpower the cold. Leonora approaches me from behind and wraps her arms around my waist. Her chin rests gently on my shoulder. I rub her arms as I kiss her temple. I look back at the fireplace and rest my head softly on hers. "Next time we go for a walk, make sure you bring a coat." she whispers. I chuckle. "Otherwise the autumn chill might actually  get to you." 

I nod, knowing she's right. "I'll make sure I'm wearing one when we leave." I reply. She kisses my shoulder. "Good." she says. Unknowingly, we start to sway. "Thank you for letting me wear your coat, or should I say making me wear it." I tell. "I didn't make you do anything, I simply encouraged it."


A.N: I'm back with the imagines :)

Charlize Theron ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora