Recording - Lorraine Broughton

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The street is crowded. I zigzag around people and push through groups. "Tut mir leid." - I'm sorry -I mutter as I bump into a blonde. I feel her eyes on me but no words come from her mouth. I continue shoving my way through the crowd.

I pass through the jungle of people and continue walking towards a car. "Peter, hallo." - Peter, hello - I say invitingly, as I pull the passenger door open. He doesn't reply, although I didn't expect him to. I climb in the car. "Agent Broughton is walking our way. Don't look at her. Follow the plan." I whisper although there's no need.

I could feel her eyes on me as I walked my way right to the vehicle. I catch a glance of her in the drivers side wing mirror. "Here she is." I say, my voice still a whisper. Peter's cold expression becomes one of a happy man. His smile, as fake as it is, looks incredibly real. He leans forward and cups my face, pulling me into a kiss. I rest my hands on his forearms, smiling against his lips. "Ich liebe dich." - I love you - he mutters, playing along.

Lorraine glances into the car as she continues to walk past. We both pull away. "Ich liebe dich auch. Lass uns gehen." - I love you too. Let's go - I reply. Peter starts the car, still smiling. I fasten my seatbelt. We pull off the side of the street and round a corner before, avoiding Lorraine.

His smile drops instantly, as does mine. "Did you plant the device?" he questions, his German accent filling the car. "Yes." I reply, my English accent a lot less rough than his. "Underside of the handbag?" he asks as if he doesn't believe me. "Yes, Peter. The device is on the underside of the handbag." I answer. He nods and leaves it at that.

We pull up outside of an apartment building. "Activate the device and listen in. I need to track down Percival." he orders. I frown, saying nothing. I head into the apartment building and make my way up to mine. I pour a glass of water as I head towards the counter. At first, when I activate the device, I hear nothing. I wait, but start to lose hope as no sound comes through. Then, footsteps. Heels on tile. I grin.

Suddenly they stop. A knock. The opening of a door. "Guten Tag, Agent Broughton." - Hello, Agent Broughton - I hear. Percival. I swallow a mouthful of water and hit record on the device. Two sets of footsteps fill my ears. Lorraine places the handbag down. The audio muffles, but voices are still clear enough to be heard properly.

"Here, let me take your coat." another voice says. Peter. I frown. "No, I'd like to keep it on, thank you." Lorraine replies. "Very well." Peter replies. I hadn't been made aware that he was to make contact with Broughton and Percival. I continue listening to the conversation. "I saw you earlier." Lorraine tells. "Me?" Peter asks, seeming clueless. "Yes. You were kissing a brunette in a car." she explains. "Oh, but that could've been anyone." Peter replies. Lorraine hums in response.

"Right, I best be going. It was nice to meet you, Agent Broughton. Percival, I'll see you around." Peter says. "Righto. Thanks, Hahn." Percival replies. I hear faint footsteps and the closing of a door. "Who was that?" Lorraine asks, skepticism evident in her tone. "An old colleague. A mate. No one to worry about." Percival replies. Lorraine says nothing.

I continue listening in. Nothing of importance has been mentioned yet. The phone rings, tearing my attention away from the voices. I remove the headphones and lean across the counter, grabbing the phone. "The device has been planted in Percival's hovel of an apartment." Peter voices. "I didn't realize you were going to make contact with Broughton and Percival." I tell. "Didn't I mention it?" Peter questions. "No. You didn't." I answer. "Nun ja." - Oh well - "You made contact with Broughton." he says. "Hardly." I scoff.

Night falls and there's a knock at my door. "What do you want?" I ask as Peter walks inside. "Get dressed. We're grabbing dinner." he tells. I look him up and down. "Is that what the suit's for?" I joke. He nods. I frown. "You have a nice dress, don't you?" he questions. "Yes, I do." I reply. "Super." - Great - I get into the dress, chuck my hair into a messy, yet classy, bun, and apply makeup.

"Next time you want to make contact with those we're going against, tell me." I mention. "You're still upset about that?" he questions, leaning on the door frame. "Not upset. Just feeling left out of the loop a little."

We attend dinner, acting as a happy and in love couple. Gross. He drops me back at the apartment building and leaves without a word. I pull my hair out of its do as I climb the stairs outside of my apartment. As I push the door open, I stop. Something feels different, off. I kick my heels off as I pull my pistol from the holster on my thigh.

I close the door, then scope out the closet rooms, the gun held out in front of me. I enter the main room. A blonde fills my vision. She turns to face me. "Hello, Agent Y/l/n." she greets. "Broughton." I huff. I point the gun directly at her. "Good job with the device on the handbag. I wouldn't have found it had it not been for Peter showing up. That wasn't very bright of him." she torments. I scoff, although I agree. "It's been a while. How have you been?"


A.N: I really like this one

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