Breathless - Mary Embrey

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I walk inside, out of breath from an intense bike ride. As I walk into the living room, chatter fills my ears. "Ah, Y/n, you're back." my sister, Erica, says. I nod, smiling. Erica turns to look at the blonde across from her. "Mary, this is Y/n, my sister." I look at Mary. She smiles and I give one in return. Erica turns back to me. "Y/n, this is my friend Mary." 

I sit down on Erica's left. "It's lovely to meet you, Mary." I say. Mary's smile widens. "It's lovely to meet you too, Y/n. Erica tells me you've come down from Vancouver." she tells. I nod, taking a deep breath. "Yip." I reply. Mary nods. "What're you doing in LA?" she questions. "Visiting friends, family." I answer. She nods again. 

"How was the bike ride?" Erica asks, sipping her drink. "Yeah, good. Tiring." I reply. "Did you go with your group from college?" she questions. I nod, confirming. She smiles. "You like to bike?" Mary inquires. I smile. "I do, yes."

Mary and Erica continue to chat. I sit, silent, still trying to catch my breath. I listen to Mary, or more so watch her. I don't realize Erica is looking at me until she nudges my arm. "You okay, Y/n? You look out of breath." she chuckles, glancing at Mary. I look at Erica. "I am. That ride was insane." I tell. She raises her eyebrows, giving me a look as if to say I'm lying. "Yeah, alright." she replies. I frown, confused. 

I excuse myself to the kitchen to grab a snack. Shortly after, Mary enters. I look at her with a smile. "Erica had to take a work call." she tells. I nod, smiling. "Ah, typical Erica." I reply. She leans on the counter. "How long are you in LA for?" she questions. "Two weeks. I've got about a week to go before I leave." I answer. "Oh okay. I'd love to see you again before you leave." she says. Heat rises up my neck. I think I blush, although I hope I don't. 

Before I can reply, Erica enters the room. "Sorry about that, Mary. My manager doesn't know what a work email is." she jokes. Mary chuckles. I smile. "If you give me one more moment, I'd like to check up on Miles and Stella." Erica mentions. Mary nods and Erica leaves the room. 

"The twins were telling me about how much they love their Aunt Y/n when I arrived." Mary tells, turning back to me. I laugh. "Their aunt loves them just as much." I reply. Mary's smile softens. I tear a piece of paper from the notepad on the fridge and grab a pen. I scribble down my number. "Here." I say, handing the note to Mary. "Flick me a text, or even a call, if you want to chat again." I say. Mary blushes. "Sounds good." 

Erica reappears moments later. "Right, shall we get back to our conversation?" she proposes. Mary nods, before turning to face me. "Thank you." she says. I grin. "You're welcome." 

Mary and Erica head into the living room. I head outside to sort my bike out. As I'm turning off the hose, Erica walks outside alone. "Where's Mary?" I question. "She's just gone home." she answers. I don't reply. She leans on the fence next to me. "Are you sure you were our of breath because of your bike ride?" she jokes. I shake my head slightly. "Of course. What else would it be?" I question, although it was rhetorical. "Mm, definitely not Mary." she answers, walking away. 


A.N: I just went on a bike ride, inspo for this ig, but now I feel like I'm gonna faint and my legs can hardly hold my weight. 

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