Blood and War - Andromache

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My eyes screw closed as the pain in my abdomen spreads throughout my already aching body. The feeling of my clothing soaking up my blood makes me feel lightheaded, although that could be due to the blood loss. 

"Y/n, Y/n, breathe. You're going to be okay. You need to breathe." I hear over the sound of gunshots and screams. My mind is too twisted to put a face to the voice. I open my eyes, dark spots swimming in my vision. "How bad is it?" I question, trying to focus on something. Those around me look at each other, silent. I groan as a shock on pain rocks through me. "You guys need to go, now." I tell with a grunt. "No, we need to get you-" "Go!" I shout, my pain increasing. 

The crowd disperses hesitantly. I look down, wanting to catch a glance at the state I'm in. Blood has soaked my shirt  from my waist to my legs. A pained chuckle escapes my lips. "How the fuck have I lasted this long?" I mutter to myself. Slowly I feel myself losing consciousness. Within seconds, everything goes dark. 


Jolting awake, I scramble upright. My hand darts to the location of the bullet wound. Nothing. No hole, no pain, not even a blood stain. I frown. "What the fuck?" I whisper. I tug my shirt up to get a closer look. No scar, no marks, nothing. It's as if it were all a dream. My eyes scan the unfamiliar room I'm in. 

Footsteps can be heard from behind me. I turn. A woman comes into view. "Who are you? Where are we?" I ask, worried and confused. She walks in front of me and crouches down. "How do you feel?" she questions, her voice soft and even. A sense of calmness washes over me. "I feel... fine, but I'd feel better if I knew what is going better." I answer. She nods. "I'm Andromache, but please, call me Andy." 


I sit, surrounded by four others, feeling like I'm being interrogated. "We understand your confusion, but we're here to help you and answer any questions." Andy tells. I nod slowly. "So, if I were to kill myself or die, I'd revive?" I question. The three men all nod. "Yes, but please don't." Andy answers. I nod again. 

"You know, I didn't expect to gain another such a short time after Booker." Andy tells. "How long's it been now, a hundred years? A hundred and two? Something like that." Booker says. "Compared to the time between finding the others, despite the fact Nicky and Joe came as a package deal, it's not a lot at all." I smile hearing a little bit of the history behind this group. 


Sitting around a fire, Booker hands me a bottle of wine. I take a large mouthful, swallowing it with a deep exhale. "Well, you're officially a part of the old guard now, newbie." he shares. I look to the ground. Andy rubs my back. "You'll be alright. We've got you." 

A.N: I've had a major lack of motivation as well as a shit ton of school work. It was my final high school athletics day today (might cry), and I've had The Great War by Taylor Swift stuck in my head which reminds me of Andy so I figured why not write an Andy oneshot. My throat is in agony. I've been sick for the past three days and decided screaming bloody murderer while cheering people on was a bright idea. 

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