Hidden by Black - Lorraine Broughton

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Several shots ring out through the building. My gun, which someone, I don't know who, managed to shoot out of my hand, lays cold in one of the upstairs rooms. I groan, tearing part of my shirt as I stumble down the stairs. I frantically wrap my bloodied hand. The injury isn't bad, I've had worse, but it fucking hurts.

More shots fire as I force myself through a door, my adrenaline through the roof. I stumble to the floor as my shoes crunch the frost-covered grass. "Fuck." I mutter. Forced to use my freshly pierced hand to collect myself, I shout in pain. I clutch a rusted wire fence as I turn back to look at the exit. Lorraine appears moments later. "Go." she tells.

I pull the cars driver side door open with my good, yet non-dominant hand. With my luck I'll never write properly again. I slam the door once I'm in and pull the keys from my bra, shoving them in the ignition. "Get in, Lorraine." I shout. She clambers in, seeming disoriented. "I killed them all." she says, panting. Biting my lip through the pain of my hand, I pull the car out into the street. "Good." I answer.

I can feel my adrenaline levels lower as the pain in my hand increases. The blood has long soaked through the wrap. I do my best to ignore it. "Your hand." Lorraine states. I nod. "She'll be right. Are you okay?" I ask, flicking a glance at her. She swallows and nods. I don't reply.

I park the car beside the building we're staying in. Lorraine, with no balance, gets out of the car. I look at her quickly before looking at my hand. I pull a bandage from the center compartment then rip the torn shirt from my hand. Quickly, but shittily, I wrap my hand. Suddenly, something falls to the ground. Not something, someone. My eyes dart to Lorraine once again and I hurry out of the car.

"Lorraine? Lorraine!" I call. She's out cold. Her coat slides to the floor, revealing a patch of blood that'd been concealed by the black fabric. "Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me." I mutter. I feel for her pulse on both her neck and wrist. It's there. It's weak, but it's there.

I make a really shitty attempt to pick her up, but due to my newly-carved hand, I can't hold her. "Fuck, Lorraine, stay with me." I say, my voice oddly steady due to the worry building inside me. I remove her coat completely before pulling her shirt off. A clear, yet bloodied hole is visible in her lower stomach. "God, Lorraine, you said you were okay." I say, my voice breaking slightly.

I rip the remainder of my torn shirt off, leaving me in my thermal, and press it against the oozing wound. "Lorraine, you need to wake up. Open your eyes." I tell. Her breathing becomes more shallow. I search for a pulse in her wrist. It's getting weaker. "Come on now, Lorraine. Open your eyes for me." I say, my voice cracking again. Tears threaten to fill my eyes.

The sound of her weak, ragged breathing stops. "No, no, come on. Lorraine, baby, open your eyes." I say, my eyes becoming glassy. I frantically search for a pulse in her wrist. Nothing. I try her neck. Also nothing. "Lorraine, open your fucking eyes." I shout. I feel for a heartbeat. Nada. Through pain and blood from my own hand, I force myself to perform CPR. Nothing happens. Nothing changes. Tears from my eyes drip down onto her chest. "Lorraine, please."

I pull her limp, lifeless body into my arms and a sob escapes my lips. "We were meant to leave together, alive. You promised." I whisper through silent sobs. Not even a minute passes before an ice cold breeze rips tears through the area. The feeling of small flakes land on the back of my neck. I look up. Snow. Snow the colour of Lorraine's hair. My sobs finally gain some volume and my chest tightens. It hurts to breath.

Snow always cheered me up when I was young. Lorraine knows that, well, she knew that. Lorraine's body gets colder by the second. Instead of trying to pick her up again, I sit. The sobs have stopped but the tears haven't. I look at her slightly purple skin before leaning down to kiss her forehead. "I'm so sorry, my love." I whisper.


A.N: Enjoy

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