Memories - Andromache

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My eyes pry open, the reminiscence of a dream still in my head. I roll to my side. Andy lays awake, her gaze glued to the ceiling. As I brush my hair off my face, she turns to face me. "Good morning, darling. How did you sleep?" she questions.

My mind is still stuck on the dream. "Can you remember, in 1769, when we went and watched Romeo and Juliet in London?" I ask, looking at her, but not really focusing on anything. "Was that the night when a child stepped on your dress and you tripped?" she questions, trying to remember the event. I nod. "Then yes, I do remember." she answers.

I prop myself. "I had a dream about it." I tell. Andy rolls to face me fully. "Tell me about it." she says. I smile. "Well, you and I were walking into the theater, and a little girl dropped her ticket, so I picked it up and gave it to her. The girl thanked me and I turned back to you..." Andy nods, following along. "...but instead of you still being next to me like you were that night, you'd disappeared with our tickets."

Andy keeps nodding. "I walked towards the entrance to the theater room and noticed two pieces of paper on the ground, both of which were our tickets. I grabbed them, went to walk, then tripped because the young boy was standing on my dress. He apologized, and unlike the actual memory, so did the rest of his huge family." Andy frowns, I assume because she's picturing the story in her head.

"Anyway, I continued walking towards the theater room and I saw you walking inside. I hurried to catch up with you, I did, and we took our seats, waiting for the play to start. The rest of the theater filled up, quicker than it had on the night, and instead of there being an empty seat next to me, Shakespeare was there." Andy's eyebrows raise. "You knew Shakespeare personally, didn't you?" she questions. I nod.

"Him and I talked, I can't remember what about, but you weren't paying any attention to us. All of a sudden, he got up and walked to the stage. You turned to me and told me the play was starting. It wasn't. William stepped up onto the stage, bowed, and everyone clapped." I finish. "Was that the end?" Andy questions. I nod. "Yeah, that was it." I reply. Andy smiles.

"That was an amazing night, and the dream was oddly similar to the real event." she tells. I smile myself. "Yeah, I know. The little girl dropping her ticket as we walked in, the boy on my dress which resulted in me tripping, him apologizing." I say with a sigh. Andy nods, slightly zoned out. "I completely forgot about the little girl and her dropped ticket." I say with a chuckle.

Silence falls between us for a moment. "Oh, can you remember the Shakespeare Jubilee that year that we were meant to go to?" Andy questions. I think, unsure, then grin. "Stratford-upon-Avon but we couldn't go because of the weather." I reply. Andy laughs softly. "I was looking forward to it as well." she says. My smile drops a little. "Me too."

"We're lucky we weren't recognized while we were in London. That was a frantic week." I tell. Andy rubs her eyes. "We had good disguises." she yawns. "Mm, we did. It was an amazing time though, wasn't it, Henry?" I joke. Andy looks confused, but the joke suddenly clicks. "It was amazing, Jane. I agree."

We both laugh and I lay back down properly. I sigh as I calm down. "I hadn't thought of that night in decades." I tell. "Neither had I." Andy replies. Silence falls between us again and we lay, tired but awake, for a while longer.


A.N: My love for Shakespeare is real (I've not read ONE thing by Shakespeare. I don't know why I love him so much.)

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