Returned - Elaine Markinson

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I enter the conference room, laptop and coffee in hand. Everyone turns to look at me. "Good morning." I say, sitting in my usual seat. "Miss Y/l/n, we weren't expecting you back so soon." Elaine mentions, a faint smile on her face. I sip my drink. "Mr Rusk didn't inform you on me returning sooner than I was meant to?" I question. As I finish speaking, Richard walks in. Everyone, including myself, looks at him. "You didn't tell the rest of us Miss Y/l/n was coming back earlier than expected." Elaine shares. Richard looks around, dumbfounded. I smile at him. He says nothing. Elaine turns to me again. "Well, welcome back. Since we're all here, we might as well start."

Elaine's speaking is followed by Richard's. Once the pair of them have seated, I look between them. "Can I be sent through the financial records for the past two weeks?" I request. Elaine nods. "Elaine?" Richard questions. I frown, confused, as he should have the records too. Elaine opens her laptop with a subtle eye roll. I smile. "You're aware you have them too, right?" she questions as she types. Richard nods. Once again, her eyes roll. I look away, hiding my inability to keep a straight face. The sound of an email coming through distracts me. I look to my laptop. I clear my throat. "Perfect, thank you, Miss Markinson." Elaine nods with a smile.

Following the meeting, in my office, I go over the financial records for the time I was away. There's a knock on the door. I look up. Elaine enters. "Miss Markinson." I greet, grinning as she closes the door. "Miss Y/l/n, it's wonderful having you back." she tells as she walks around to me. She leans down, capturing my lips in a kiss. My smile widens. "You didn't tell me you were coming back so soon." she shares, leaning on my desk. I nod. "Got home last night and crashed, then woke up this morning, emailed Richard, thought I cc'ed you into the email, then came without thinking to flick a text through." I explain. She smiles. "No matter. You're back. That's all that matters. This place is finally bearable again." she tells. I laugh.

"Leaving me here, with these morons, while you spent two weeks in Hawai'i is not fair. You better have gotten me something." I grin. She raises an eyebrow. "What?" I bite my lip. "Y/n?" I sit up straighter, crossing my legs. "I may or may not have gotten a brutal tan while I was away which may or may not have left me with wicked tan lines, and I may or may not let you see them." I tell. Both of Elaine's eyebrows shoot up and she grins. "Is that right?" I nod. Her grin slowly becomes a smirk. "That sounds good to me." I bite my lip again and look to my laptop. "Good." I say with a nod. Elaine nods in return. "Well, I have shit to do, as do you, I'm sure. I'll leave you to it." she says. I nod again. Once again, she leans down and pecks my lips. "Bye, Miss Y/l/n." she whispers. Her blue green eyes meet mine from the short distance our faces are from one another. "Good bye, Miss Markinson."


A.N: First day back at school FINALLY - bring on Year 13 (final year of HS)

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