Bipolar Weather - Elaine Markinson

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"Babe, we need to go to the store." I mention, my eyes trailing away from the book in my hands. Elaine's head turns in my direction as her eyes leave the screen of her laptop. "What for?" she questions. I click my tongue. "I'm not sure yet." I reply. She frowns as I rise from the couch. "What's the time?" I ask as I wander into the kitchen. There's a pause. "Three." she answers. I hum as I pull open the fridge. Studying the contents, I sigh. "We need a few things by the looks of it." I mutter loud enough for my wife to hear. "Do you want me to start a list?" she offers. A smile tugs at my lips. "Please, that would be lovely." 

There is a soft rustling of paper which is followed by the click of a pen. "Right, what do we need?" she asks. I yank open the lower drawers. "Capsicum, Spinach," I start. "Bell Pepper, Spinach.." she mutters. "Bell Pepper, Capsicum, whatever." I say. "Got it." she tells, her voice louder. "Uhm," I whisper, still looking. I hear Elaine walking, then the sound of a stool moving. I glance over my shoulder. She's now sitting at the counter. I look into the fridge once again. "Carrots, we need carrots." I mention. The scribbling of a pen follows. "Do you wanna put down Feta and Yogurt?" I question. "Mhm." she answers. I hear more scribbling. "May as well put Broccoli and Cauliflower." I tell. "Brocc and Cauli." she whispers, taking note. 

I pull open the freezer, examining the contents. "We have enough meat, I think..." I say to myself more than Elaine. I shift a few things around. "We need frozen berries." I tell. "Any specific?" Elaine checks. I shake my head, hoping she's looking at me. "Nope." I push the freezer closed and spin around. "Passionfruit. We need Passionfruit." I exclaim. She notes it down. I wander to the fruit bowl in the corner. "Bananas," I start. I walk, slowly, towards my love. "And Oranges, and Watermelon, and Strawberries.... and Pineapple." I list. "And, and, and, and what else?" Elaine jokes, smiling softly. I lean on the counter across from her. "That should be all." I finish. She nods, reading through what we've got. "Bell Peppers, Spinach, Carrots, Feta, Yogurt, Broccoli, Cauli, Frozen Berries, Passionfruit, Bananas, Oranges, Watermelon, Strawberries, and Pineapple." she says aloud. I nod, following along. "Perfect... Ooh, actually," I start before hurrying to the fridge again. "We need Oat Milk." I say. "Oat Milk, got it. That all, you think?" Elaine questions. I shut the fridge. "I reckon so, yeah." 

Elaine walks back over to her laptop. "Give me ten minutes and we can go." I tell, making my way to our bedroom. "Sounds good." she replies. Not even three minutes later, Elaine appears in the doorway. I pull on a button down. "You might wanna do put your hair up." she suggests. I frown. "Why?" I question, confused. "It's windy as fuck out side all of a sudden." she explains. I turn around, glancing out the bedroom windows. My eyes meet darkening grey clouds. "What the fuck, it was sunny two seconds ago." I say. Drops of water start hitting the glass. I pause. "You've got to be kidding me." I mutter. The strength of the rain increases almost immediately. "I'm not going out in that." I tell Elaine, turning to face her. She sighs. "The weather has never stopped you from going to the store before. Why is it now?" she laughs. "I really don't want to get wet." I groan. 

She walks up to me, wrapping her arms around my body. "Get a coat on." she whispers. I push her away. "Fine." I reply. She kisses me then leaves the room smiling. I finish getting ready and grab my raincoat from the rack. I meet Elaine in the living room. She grins at me. I roll my eyes, jokingly. "Hey, don't blame me. It's not my fault the weather has bipolar." she chuckles. I grab my wallet and keys from the kitchen table, then grab her hand and drag her downstairs. 

Stopping at the entrance, I groan. "Isn't it stunning outside?" Elaine says. I glare at her. "I will literally go back upstairs." I threaten. She wraps her arm around my waist. "No you won't." she replies. We hurry to the car, scrambling inside. Elaine laughs once again. I cup her face, kissing her aggressively. She grabs my wrists firmly, but not tightly. I pull away slightly. "I'm going to fuck you so damn hard tonight, you'll regret this in the morning." I whisper. Her eyebrows raise. "Is that so?" she questions. I kiss her again and nod. "Mhm. You'll see." I turn to start the car. "Got the list?" I ask. "Mhm, in my pocket."


A.N: Hello, my lovelies

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