Apples - Lady Lesso

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I lounge, a blanket draped lazily over me, as I make an attempt at draining a days worth of frustration and irritation from my body and mind. I'm disrupted by the creaking of a door. I glance to my left. "Hello, darling." Leonora greets, her cane in one hand as the other pushes the door closed. I stretch, groaning softly. "Good evening, Nora." I reply.

Leonora stalks towards me, and something glistening in the light of the fire catches my eye. "What've you got there?" I question, propping myself up properly. "An apple." Leonora replies, sitting in the chair next to mine. "An apple..." I mutter. Leonora looks to me, confused. "Yes, love, an apple." she confirms. "I'm going to eat an apple every time someone pisses me off tomorrow." I tell. Leonora's eyebrows rise. "Is that so?" she asks. I nod.


After my third class the following day, Leonora enters with an oddly warm grin on her face. "So, how many apples have you eaten today so far?" she enquires, resting against my desk. "Four, i think." I reply. She nods slowly. "Hopefully you don't have to eat any more or else you'll be shitting apples for the next week." she jokes, chuckling slightly. "You're so funny, Leonora." I reply, trying to hide a smile. She smirks, walking towards the door. "I know."


The remainder of the day passes, and the amount of apples eaten continues to increase. I enter Leonora and my quarters, regretting my life decisions. I sit on our bed as a wave of nausea washes through me. Leonora glances in my direction. "How many apples in total, darling?" she questions, turning her body in my direction. I groan softly. "Enough to make me never want to eat another ever again." I reply.

"Was it really that bad?" she questions, walking over to me. "I feel like I'm going to die." I mutter. She sits beside me, studying my face. "You look like you're going to pass out." she tells. I nod. "I probably will, but I'm destined to throw up first." I reply. A smile pulls at her lips. "You'll be alright." she says. I roll my eyes. Suddenly, the nausea gets worse. I stand. "Yeah, I think I am going to throw up first-" I tell, making my way to the bathroom.


After several minutes of wishing I were dead mixed with the sound of Leonora's laughter, I return to our bed. I pull back the sheets and lay. Leonora looks at me, shaking her head. "Let me pass out in peace, Leonora." I whisper. "Of course, darling." she replies, still smiling. I roll over, facing my back to her. Her lips connect with the side of my face. "I won't be surprised if I wake up beside an apple tomorrow." she jokes. I push her away as best I can which tears another laugh from her. "Fuck off."


A.N: Sorry for the lack of content, I've been working and studying (and also unmotivated)

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