Simply Tolerable (2) - Elaine Markinson

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I leave my place of work, my handbag on my shoulder and one of my colleagues a small step behind. "Right, bye, Rose. I'll see you tomorrow." I say, walking towards my car. She waves at me, heading in the opposite direction. "You will indeed. See ya, hun." 

As my car's engine comes to life, I unlock my phone. It's been a month to the day since Elaine broke my heart, and, somehow, I'm managing it well. Like, actually. I'm doing okay. Do I miss her? Yes, but I'm not miserable. Good friends and a night of getting beyond pissed is the perfect remedy for a shattered heart, I've noticed. Wine and four best friends plus girl drama equals the world's best heartbreak cure.

I all but shout Maroon 5's 'Moves Like Jagger' as I pull into my driveway, and continue to hum it as I approach the front door. As I enter the kitchen, I flick on the kettle and glance at the clock; three twenty-seven. Reaching for the herbal tea, I place a mug on the counter with a clink. 

"Hey Alexa, play 'Moves Like Jagger'." I say, pouring the now-boiled water into the mug. I'm going to have this goddamned song stuck in my brain for the next year, I can feel it. Taping my heel to the beat against the tile flooring, I even out the scorching temperature of the tea with some cold water. 

"I got the moo-oo-oo-ooves like jagger-" I sing, my voice quiet, as I lift the mug to my lips. It's still too hot for comfort, but I continue drinking it anyway. 

"You wanna know... how to make me smile-" 

There's a knock at the door. I sigh, sipping my tea, then placing it on the kitchen island. The knocks sound again as I approach the door. I pull it open, and my soft smile drops. If I weren't shocked, I'd have slammed the door as soon as my eyes met those of the person across from me. 

"Y/n." Elaine says, straight-faced. "What do you want?" I question. "To talk." she replies. I let out a humorless laugh. "Too fucking bad." I flick back, going to close the door. She places her foot in the way. I glance down at it. "Move your foot." I tell, my patience already waning. "I just want to talk." she repeats. "About?" I raise my eyebrows. "Us." I laugh again. "There is no us. You made that abundantly clear."

She sighs. "Don't be like that, Y/n." she says, her voice frustratingly calm. "You said you never loved me. You said I was simply "tolerable", and now you're here wanting to talk about us? Elaine, there is no us. And there will never be an us. Not a real us. We had a fake us, as you revealed a month ago. Now go. I don't want to see you. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to smell you. Go. Just go." Her perfume is the only scent I can identify, and it's driving me mad.

"I miss you." she tells. "Mm, and I'm missing the tea I just made, so if you excuse me, I never want to see you again." I flick her a passive-aggressive smile, and close the door. By now, 'Moves Like Jagger' has long ended, and 'Misery' is playing. I swallow a large mouthful of the now-comfortably hot drink. 

"I am in misery... there ain't nobody-" 

"You're in misery, are you?" 

I jump, spilling the hot liquid all over my hand and onto the floor. I turn, my eyes landing on Elaine who is leaning on the doorframe. "Hey Alexa, pause the music." The music stops. "What the fuck are you doing in my house? I told you to leave!" I shout, placing my drink down and reaching for a dishcloth. "I want to talk." "So you enter my house without permission? Great fucking look, Elaine." She rolls her eyes. "Don't you roll your fucking eyes at me in my house, now get out!" I wipe my hand, then drop the cloth on the floor and use my foot to soak up the spill. 

She steps towards me. "No. Don't. Save us both the agony and piss off." I say, picking up the cloth. "Y/n, it'll take five minutes. Just please, talk to me." she says. I shake my head. "Y/n, sit down and let me apologize." I raise my eyebrows. "For? All you did was open my eyes up to the truth. You have absolutely nothing to apologize for, now, leave. Bye." She steps towards me again. "I'll call the police, Elaine, I swear to fucking God." I tell before sipping my tea. "No you won't." "Just you watch me. You entered without my permission. That's illegal." She rolls her eyes. "Now you're just being petty." I gape at her. "What else am I meant to do, Elaine?! For fucks sake, what do you want from me!?" 

She sits down at the kitchen island. I pull my phone from my pocket, but she steals from me within seconds. "Wha- oh my god, give me my fucking phone!" I shout, getting angrier by the second. She doesn't reply. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. "Speak before I lose my shit." I whisper. 

"What I said to you was a lie. You're more than tolerable, to me. This month without you has made me realize that I do love you, okay? I don't like it, and I sure as hell don't want to love you, but I do." I laugh for the third or fourth time. "And you expect me to believe that?" I question, leaning on the counter. "I was hoping you would."  she answers. I stop and look at her. The blue-green eyes I know too well look into mine. My body floods with anger. 

I grab a lemon from the fruit bowl and launch it at her, missing, but only just. She flinches and her eyes widen. "Y/n, what the-" 

I fire an orange in the same direction. Then an apple. I hit the vase under the TV and it shatters. She stands and begins walking towards me. I walk back until, eventually, I'm against the counter and she's directly in front of me. "How could you?" I question, my voice quiet. "I hurt you. I know that. I'm sorry. I love you." 

"No you don't."

"Yes I do." 

"No, you don't." 

"Yes, Y/n, I do." 

"I've cried buckets of tears because of you! I've consumed more alcohol in the past month than I have in my entire life, thanks to you!" I shout. 

Her hand covers my mouth, and her other arm pulls me against her. I try wriggle out of her grasp, but her hold is solid. I give up and stand there, my body against hers. She looks down at me. "Please, forgive me." she whispers. I don't reply. "Y/n-"

"I fucking hate you." 

She shakes her head. I look away, feeling defeated. 

"How dare you come here and confess this to me after breaking my heart because I feel the same way?" I say. 

"It was shit of me to do, I know, but I was confused and overwhelmed and... I don't even know. I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that. But I love you, and I miss you, and I want you back. Please, Y/n." 

I look up at her. I can see the truth in her eyes. She's being genuine, and for some reason I despise it. 

"Kiss me, Y/n." she tells, her eyes darting between mine. I frown. "I'm not kissing you after everything you-"

Before I can finish, her hands are cupping my face and her lips are on mine. She pulls away, looking me in the eyes again. I sigh then pull her back in, kissing her again. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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