Booze - Mavis Gary

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"You. I know you." a woman tells, taking the seat to my right. I glance at her. "Me?" I question, confused. She looks around, waving her beer bottle. "There's no one else around us, is there?" she fires. I look around but don't reply. As I reach for my glass, the woman drunkenly slams her bottle down. "Y/n, was it?" she questions. I sip my vodka and look at her. "Y/n, Y/n, Y/n... Y/l/n. That's it, Y/n Y/l/n." she says.

I nod. "That's right." I reply. The woman smiles proudly. "I'm going to assume you don't remember me." she slurs. I swirl my vodka around in its glass. "Oh, sure I do. How I could I forget you, Mavis Gary?" I ask. Her eyes widen with what seems to be shock. "You remember?" she asks. I nod again. "Of course I do. You had a track record of picking on my siblings." I answer.

She stares at the counter. "I picked on a lot of people. You're gonna wanna specify." she tells. "Emerson and Averie." I say. She frowns. "You mean Sonny and Av, the twins?" she questions. "No, I mean Emerson and Averie. If you called them Sonny and Av, then sure." I answer. Her eyebrows raise. "They're your siblings?" she asks. I nod, again.

She looks at the counter again. "They were so nerdy, and you're so... not nerdy." she tells with a chuckle. My eyebrows shoot up as I sip my drink. "What are they doing now days?" she questions as she lifts her beer to her lips. "Emerson's a lawyer, and Averie is a forensic scientist." I answer. Her eyes widen. "I guess being a nerd paid off for them, huh." I nod. "And you? What do you do?" she pries. "Criminal psychologist." I answer.

She leans forward. "There's no way you, Y/n Y/l/n, the kid that didn't care about school, is a criminal psychologist." she says, her voice quiet. "I did care about school. I just made sure to balance my social life with my school life." I explain. She shakes her head. "I'm shocked." she whispers. My lips pull into a smile. "What do you do as a criminal psychologist?" she asks, suddenly seeming somewhat sober.

I swallow the last mouthful of my alcohol before turning my body to face her. "I study the minds and behaviours of criminals." I answer simply. She nods. "Is that it?" she questions. I nod, although there's heaps more. She frowns. "Sounds boring." she tells, chugging the last bit of her beer. The bartender walks to us. "Refill?" he asks me. I shake my head. "No thank you, but I'd love a Coke." I answer. He nods, pulling one from a fridge behind him. He pops the cap then places it in front of me. "Thank you." I reply before taking a swig.

"There's no way you find that interesting." she says, waving her empty bottle to the bartender. He places a new one in front of her. "I do. I love it." I reply. She shrugs. "Eh, it's your life." I sip my coke. Before I can ask about her, two men stumble over to us. One throws their arm over Mavis. She pushes him away. "Sup, ladies. How's it?" the other man asks. I look them both up and down. "Fuck off." Mavis tells. The man who put his arm over Mavis laughs. "Chill, woman. We just wanna get to know ya." he says.

Mavis scoffs. "Sadly for you both, we don't want to get to know you. Now, leave." I butt in. The other man raises his eyebrows. "Damn, no need to be a bitch." he says, a taunting smile on his face. He rests his hand on my lower back. I grab his arm tightly and pull it away. "I'm sure you're strong enough to handle the truth. Now, like I said, leave." I say. He rolls his eyes. "Or I could tell the bartender we're being harassed." I add, smiling. The men look at each other, then to the bartender who is already looking our way, then leave.

Mavis finishes her bottle as I finish mine. "I need another." she slurs. I frown. "No, you don't. You've had enough booze for the night." I say. "You're not the boss of me." she bites. I raise my eyebrows as she calls over the bartender. "One more." she says. He looks at me. I shake my head. He looks back to Mavis who looks at me. "Don't be a buzz kill." she whispers. "You don't need more. Come, I'll get you a taxi." I offer. She groans and stands. "I said don't be a buzz kill."

I pay for my tab, then for hers, and help her towards the exit. I wave a taxi over, and just as Mavis goes to climb in, I stop her. I glance at the driver. He looks at Mavis with a smile. "You know what? I'll take her home. Sorry for wasting your time." I tell him. His smile drops. I close the door and he drives away. As Mavis and I climb in my car, she looks at me. "Why did you change your mind?" she asks. "You're drunk and I have trust issues." I answer, starting the vehicle. She frowns. "I also didn't like the way he smiled at you."

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