Secret Affair - Queen Ravenna

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"She's terrifying, Gregory." my mother says to my father. He nods in response. "I know, Aurelia." he replies. My mother sits, worn out. "I- she takes young women! Our daughter is a young woman! We must protect her." she cries. 

My eyes shift from my mother, to my father, and back to my mother. "We're her parents, Aurelia. We won't let anything happen to her." he assures. My mother's head drops to her hands. My father turns to me. "You hear that, Y/n? Your mother and I won't let that nasty Queen Ravenna take you away from us." 

I continue listening to their conversation. "If that woman so much as lays a finger on you, I'll murder her." my father tells me. Little do they both know, she's laid a finger on me more than once. She's laid more than just a finger on me more than once. Hands, lips, body. She's been on me, inside me. They don't know that, of course. They can't know that. They'll murder her then me. 

"Y/n, you mustn't go anywhere near her kingdom, okay?" my mother says. I nod. Oh, mother, I've been in that kingdom, in that castle, more times than you can count. If someone were to ask for  a map of that castle, I'd be able to draw one perfectly. I've been in every room, every passage, every corner. 

"If she gets her hands on you," 

If she gets her hands on me. She already has, time and time again.

"She'll suck you dry." 

I beg to differ. She's sucked me and I certainly didn't get dry. 

"She'll consume your soul." 

She's already done that. I all but offered it to her on a silver platter. 

My father paces the room. Tears stream from my mothers eyes. I suppress a smile as moments Ravenna and I have shared float around in my mind. 

The time she had me in her bed, the time she took me in the library, the time she made me come undone on her throne. I look down then stand. My parents both look at me. "I need some fresh air." I say, trying to sound worried. I hurry outside, still fighting a smile. 

Had either of my parents walked into my room at the wrong time they'd come across the marked mess that terrifyingly gorgeous woman leaves me in. Bites, hickeys, scratches. Good fucking Lord. 

My father follows me outside. "Are you okay, darling?" he asks. I turn to him, forcing my best worried expression. 

Ravenna calls me darling every time we're together, and by together I don't mean in the same room together, I mean together together.

I shake my head. "I'm worried, father. The Queen, I don't want her to take me." Yes I do. My father nods, opening his arms. I wrap my arms around him. "She won't." Oh, yes she will. Fake tears begin leaking from my eyes. "Okay." 

I follow my father back inside and walk to my mother who is still crying. I crouch down in front of her. "Mother, I won't go anywhere near her, okay? I won't let her get me." I whisper. My mothers eyes meet mine and she pulls me into her arms. 

I've been near her too many times to even attempt counting, and she's already gotten me. She's gotten me good.  


A.N: Got this idea midway through cleaning a gash on my thumb. 

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