Fall - Charlize Theron

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"Aren't the trees just absolutely delightful?" I ask, entranced by the nature around me. "Delightful? I've never heard that word come from you." Charlize tells, breaking me from the spell. I look at her with a frown. "Let me have a moment, God. Buzzkill." I scoff. Charlize laughs, bringing my hand up to her lips. "But you're right, they are delightful." she agrees. I smile and rest my head on her shoulder.

Leaves, different shades of red, orange, and yellow, twirl their way to the ground. They crumble under our steps. My head snaps upright. "Can we get coffee?" I ask. Charlize frowns. "Y/n, you're obsessed. You had two cups with breakfast which wasn't even two hours ago." she answers. "Please?" I beg, glancing at my watch. "It's almost eleven, meaning it's brunch time. We can get coffee and something to eat." I bargain. A smile tugs at her lips. "Fine, but you're getting decaf." she replies. "Mm, we'll see."

We continue walking, our arms linked, until I notice a small cafe. I pull Charlize towards it. I study the overhead menu as we near the counter. A grin tugs at my lips as we reach the front. "Hello, can I please get a Cappuccino-" I start. Charlize nudges me. "What?" I ask, confused. "Decaf." she replies. I roll my eyes. "Decaf Cappuccino, please." The waiter chuckles with a nod. "Anything else?"

We wander towards a free table and I slump into a chair. "Oh my god, Y/n. It's only decaf. You won't die." she laughs. "I don't want decaf." I tell her, frowning. She shrugs. "Too late. You've ordered it. Plus, your smoked salmon whatever bagel will make you happy." she debates. My eyes narrow.

My order disappears as quickly as it arrived. "I take it the coffee was good." Charlize says, eyes my empty cup. I look down at it myself and shrug. "It was okay. It would've been better had it not been decaf." I reply. She sighs. "Right, well, are you ready to go? I'm done." she tells. I nod and we both stand, ready to leave the cafe.

As we walk through a park, my gaze lands on youth playing in the leaves. "Look." I say, tugging on Charlize's arm and pointing. She looks in the direction of my finger. A smile tugs at her lips. "They look so happy, surrounded by the orange and brown leaves." I tell, my voice soft. Charlize looks at me. "You really love Fall, don't you?" she chuckles. I smile as I nod. A sigh escapes my lips. The breeze starts to pick up, causing leaves to drift around us.

A stray leaf catches in Charlize's hair. I pull it out, crumbling it before dropping it. She kisses my cheek as we walk. I study our surroundings. The colours of Fall match the brick buildings perfectly. We stroll past a young girl reading on a park bench. I look behind us. "She's got the right idea." I say. Charlize lets go of my hand and wraps her arm around my shoulders. I look back to her. "I love how happy you get during Fall." she voices. I blush slightly. "Fall's comforting." I reply.

We sit on a bench and my eyes stray to the cloudy grey above us. Charlize nudges me, breaking my attention away from the sky. I look down. My eyes meet a small girl holding two dark orange leaves. "Hello, honey." I say softly. "These are for you guys." she tells, holding a leaf out for both Charlize and I. Charlize takes the leaf with a smile. "Thank you, it's gorgeous." I answer, taking the leaf from the girls hand.

Shortly after, a woman jogs up to us. "I'm so sorry, she's obsessed with giving leaves away. She loves Fall and the colours." she explains, resting her hand on the girls shoulder. "It's okay, don't worry about it." Charlize answers. I look down to the girl. "Is Fall your favourite season?" I ask, grinning. The girl nods eagerly. I chuckle. "It's mine too. I love the colours of the leaves and the slight chill in the air." I say. The girl giggles. "Me too."

We watch as the young girl and who we assume is her mother walk off. "I want a Fall baby." I mutter. "No." Charlize replies. I frown. "Fine, but can we get a cat?" I bargain. Charlize stands and pulls me off the bench. "That's enough time outside for you." she laughs. "What about a puppy?" I ask. She doesn't reply. "We can play in the leaves with it. Baby, please?"


A.N: Sorry guys, I started back at school and have been crazy busy studying for exams.

(All Blacks (New Zealand) bet Ireland in the RWC 💪)

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