The Hunt - Andromache

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TW: Murder, Aggression, Burning of bodies, strong language, and more!

The wooden door in front of me splinters as the force from my kick breaks it open. "We aren't leaving this fucking castle until Andy is beside me." I tell, my knuckles white from the force of my grip on my sword. Nicky and Joe nod as they follow several feet behind. "Check every single goddamn room in this dungeon. I don't want one gone untouched." I order. Nicky shoots down a corridor to my left, Joe doing the same but on my right.

The sound of footsteps besides my own fill my ears. I duck into a shadow. Guards. Two of them. They get closer at a painfully slow rate. Once the pair is in reaching distance, I step out, stabbing one through the stomach and kicking the other to the floor. Blood splatters towards me, coating my arms and torso. My jaw clenches as I tear the blade from his body. Turning on my toes, I plant it in the second guard's neck. The deep red liquid that's dripping from my sword spills from their mouths. The sound of three different breathing rhythms cuts down to one; mine.

The sound of chains catches my attention. I pause, struggling to determine the direction of the noise. It's coming from my left. I look behind me to the bodies and the puddle of blood before continuing forward. I turn down a corridor on the left. My eyes flick to a guard chaining a gate. My pace quickens as he looks at me. Within moments he's drawing his sword, but he's too late. I force my sword through his neck. His body thuds to the floor, as does his severed head.

I try the gate; he didn't manage to lock it. I push the gate open and look down at the stairs leading deeper into the already deep dungeon. "Fuck." I mutter as I begin hurrying down.

"Andy? Andy, where are you?" I shout as I near the bottom. "Y/n." I hear behind me. I stop, turn. Nicky and Joe look at me from the top of the stairwell before following me down, both of their swords drawn. "Andy!" the three of us call as we reach the bottom. Once again, Nicky goes left, Joe goes right, and I push on forward. Andy's name echoes through the smaller, darker dungeon as we continue hunting.

Turning down yet another corridor, I'm met by two more guards. "Ay, who are you?" one questions as they both draw their swords. I don't say anything as I walk towards them. One starts towards me. He swings, misses, and I plunge my blade into his leg. He cries out, staggering to the side. The second guard hurries towards me. I pull a torch from the wall and set alright to the guard on the floor. His cries become screams. The second guard swings at me, missing like the first guard. I duck, then take a swing of my own. The sound of metal on metal sends a rush of frustration through me, adding to the murderous anger built up in my chest.

I shove him back against the wall. His sword slips from his hand as I shove mine deep into his chest. He screams out as I retract the metal from his body. Slowly, he slides down the wall, the strength in his legs decreasing. I drop my sword as I grab him, pulling him towards the burning body of the other guard. "No-" he manages as I push him into the flames. His screams satisfy me, and I hate it.

I kick in the door they were guarding. It cracks as it hits the wall. I rush in. "Andy? Andy, are you in here?" I call. My focus on finding her drowns out the cries of the burning man as the distance between him and I grows. The sound of quiet groans fills my ears. "Andy?" I call again. "Y/n." I hear. The voice is faint, but steady. My walk turns into a jog, then into a run. "Andy!" I shout. I turn a corner, slipping on the stone floor. "Y/n, I'm here."

I catch myself before I hit the floor. Andy fills my vision. My eyes dances from the chains around her ankles to the chains holding her arms above her head. I stumble towards her, still unstable from slipping. "Oh, Andy." I say as I fall to my knees at her side. I cup her face, my eyes darting between hers. As I begin working on the locks keeping the chains around her wrists, I hear my name being called. I look behind me. Nicky and Joe run towards Andy and I. "Help me get her unchained now." I shout as I pull the chain from her left wrist. Her arm slumps to the ground as I move to her left ankle. Nicky works on her other wrist as Joe works on her other ankle.

Once free from the chains, I gently, but firmly, pull her into my arms. "Goodness, Andy. What have they done to you?" I say, my voice cracking as tears fill my eyes. Exhausted sobs escape her throat. I pull away. "I am going to skin the cunt who did this to you alive." I tell, my teeth clenched as tears drip down my cheeks. I look to Nicky and Joe. "Get Andy out of her safely. I'll follow later. I have a torturing cunt to murder." I plant a firm kiss on Andy's dirty forehead before grabbing my sword and leaving the room.

I navigate my way back through the dungeons and through the castle, slaughtering anyone who crosses my path. I kick in a door, and four sets of eyes land on me. "Lord Kingsley." I say as if to greet him. All four sets of eyes study the blood on my torso and the stains on my sword. Three of the men charge towards me. I pull a dagger from my side, throwing it towards one of the men. It glides perfectly into his shoulder. He staggers to the side, distracted by the blade piercing into him.

One of the men swing at me. Their sword meets mine. The third of the three men runs at me from my side. I turn, forcing my weapon in his direction. The blade connect with his arm, nearly taking the bottom half of it clean off. Blood gushes from the limb as he screams out in pain. Before I can turn back to the only un-injured man, a feel an agonizing sting on my back. "Fuck!" I shout as I spin, slicing my sword into the side of his stomach. He falls to the ground. The man who'd taken my dagger to the shoulder jogs at me. I reach behind me, pulling the knife that'd been shoved into me out. As he approaches I push it in front of me, planting it in his chest. The dagger of mine slips from his grasp as he gasps. I throw him to the floor.

My eyes travel up to meet those of Lord Kingsley who watches me, his eyes full of terror. "Nowhere to go now." I spit. I throw my sword, piercing through the stomach of the man with the half-severed hand. As I begin approaching Kingsley, I retrieve my dagger from the stone floor. I scan the blood on it before waving it in the direction of him. "Your men are weak." I say with a chuckle. He looks behind me as he steps back. "You are weak." I spit. Before he can say anything, I dig the blade deep into his stomach. He groans, gripping onto my arms. "P-please," he manages. "You kidnapped and tortured my wife, you psychopathic cunt. What did you expect to happen? You can't have thought you'd get away scot-free." I tell, my voice quiet yet aggressive.

I remove the dagger before forcing it into his chest. "You had some fucking balls doing that, and now you'll be lucky if I even leave you will your balls connected to your fucking body." I say. His eyes dart between mine. A drop of blood trickles down his chin. The spark in his eyes slowly fade. "This is what you fucking get, although it's not even half of what you deserve." I whisper, my face mere centimeters from his. The sound if him choking fills my ears as his eyes close. I throw him to the ground. My eyes scan his lifeless body for a moment before I turn to leave the room. I retrieve my sword and work my way towards the exit of the castle.

My anger dissipates as soon as my eyes fall on Andy. She stands upright with more strength than before and stumbles towards me. Tears freely flow from my eyes as I pull her into my arms. I bury my face into her neck. "I've missed you." I mutter, my voice cracking. I pull away and cup Andy's face again. She smiles weakly. "I've missed you too." she whispers. The sight of her so dirty and weak sends a wave of hurt and guilt through me. I press my lips to hers. "I love you so much, I'm so sorry." I whisper. Andy shakes her head. "No, Y/n. None of this is your fault." she replies, shakily wiping my tears from my face. I sniffle, bringing her into my arms once more. "I will never let anything like this happen again."


A.N: It's been an interesting week, but I gave a sexist teacher a lecture about women being able to lift tables just like men. Told him he needs to bring his mind to 2024 after he said he's stuck in the 90's. Not sure what the 90's has to do with anything, but I didn't bother asking.

Charlize Theron ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz