Simple Celebration - Mary Embrey

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My eyes pry open and a smile instantly plasters my face. It's my birthday. Grabbing my phone, I notice a few lovely birthday texts to which I instantly reply.

"Happy Birthday, Y/n!!! Have a gorgeous day <3"

"Happy, Happy Birthday :) Love you loads xoxo"

"Hope you have a wonderful day, birthday girl xo <3"

My smile widens. Still somewhat tired, I clamber out of bed and direct myself towards the windows. The smile on my face softens when I notice the grey clouds plaguing the sky and the rain specs on the window. I head to the kitchen to brew some coffee. As it's brewing, a few more heartfelt messages come through.

"One year older, lovely girl. Wish we were closer xoxo"

"Happy Birthday to youuu, I love you heaps!"

I send my replies then finish up my coffee, before taking it to the bathroom with me to shower. Once I'm done and the coffee is gone, I trek back to the kitchen to make breakfast. As I'm turning on the speaker, there's a knock at the door. I drop my phone next to the device and wander out of the kitchen, towards the front door. I pull it open.

Mary grins at me as she holds a bag of stuff and a stunning bouquet of flowers. "Happy Birthday, gorgeous girl. You've not eaten yet, have you?" she greets. I chuckle as I step forward, pulling her into my arms. She places the bag on the ground and wraps her arms around me. "So, have you eaten?" she questions as we both pull away. I shake my head. "No, no I haven't. You've timed this perfectly because I was about to cook." I answer. She winks at me as she grabs the bag off the ground. "Amazing. I'm making you breakfast." she tells. I shift aside so she can enter the house. "Are you now?" I ask, my eyebrows raised. She looks back at me as she enters the kitchen. "I am."

I follow her into the kitchen. "Do you have a vase?" she asks, gently setting the bouquet down. "I do, I'll grab one." I answer, reaching up above a cabinet . "I got you carnations because, you know, January baby, birth flower, whatever, and I think they're beautiful, so they match you." I blush as I place the vase on the kitchen island. "Thank you, they are beautiful." I respond. Mary looks back at me with a smile. I fill the vase with water then add the flowers. "Right, now, sit down, chill out, and I'll cook." she orders. I chuckle as I sit. She begins to cook. I watch her. "So, what are we eating?" I question, messing with the speaker again. "You'll soon know." she replies. I shake my head, smiling, as I play some quiet music.

After a while, Mary places a plate in front of me. I grin, taking in the sight. "Waffles with fresh berries and some granola yogurt." she declares. She takes a seat next to me. I watch her, still smiling. "What?" she questions, smiling herself. I lean over to her, kissing her on the cheek. "Thank you for this." I whispers. She grabs my hand. "It's your birthday, Y/n. You don't have to thank me."


A.N: Yeah, that's right. It's my birthday 😎 #17

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