Headache - Elaine Markinson

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I lean back in my chair, massaging away the pain in my head. I sit up, then lean down to grab my handbag. The pain worsens, throbbing due to the movement. I frown, easing the pain slightly. I pull the bag onto my lap as I search it. "Painkillers, I need painkillers." I mutter to myself. Nothing. "Fuck." I groan, dropping it on the floor.

I rest a glass of ice water against my forehead as I stand, hoping it'll prevent my head from throbbing too much. Luckily, it does. I walk, slowly, towards the door. Suddenly, it opens. "Y/n, are you- are you alright?" Elaine asks, her head tilted and her face pulled into a frown. I nod, but say nothing. She notices the glass. Her head straightens and her frown fades. "Headache?" she questions, her voice quieter. I nod again.

She moves out of the doorway. "Go get painkillers." she tells. I raise my eyebrows. "That was my plan." I whisper. She nods. I leave her alone in the office as I head to the kitchen. I grab two pills and swallow them down. "Fucking hell." I mutter, holding into the counter. My head spins. I feel like I might pass out.

I wait a moment before making my way back to my office. I sit in my chair. I can feel Elaine's eyes on me. "Feeling better?" she questions. "Not in the slightest." I reply, my voice soft. I lean back and rest my feet on my desk as I close my eyes. I shift the glass to the other side of my forehead.

Elaine speaks, her voice constantly soft, as my headache starts to fade. Suddenly, a booming voice enters the room. I groan, pained. "Be quiet, for fuck sakes." Elaine growls. I pry my eyes open, glaring at the man in the doorway. "What's wrong?" Richard questions. "Y/n has a headache, and your loud mouth isn't helping." Elaine answers. "Oh." Richard replies.

He looks at me once again, before turning around. "Sorry." he whispers on his way out. Elaine walks over, closing the door behind him. She returns to her seat, before continuing speaking. I place the glass on the desk.

Her voice, as soft as it is, causes me to eventually drift off to sleep. "How do you feel about that?" she questions. She looks up from her file, confused. "Y/n?" she says. "Y/n, are you awake?" she asks, a slight chuckle in her voice. She stands and walks around to me.

She places the back of her hand on my forehead before kissing my cheek. She scribbles out a note, leaving it on my keyboard. She closes the blinds, then leaves my office, closing the door softly behind her.

I wake up sometime later, the pain in my head nothing but a memory. I remove my feet from my desk and sit upright. I notice the note:

I'll be in my office when you wake up to finish going over the file.

I hope your headache passes.

I rub my eyes and stand with a stretch. I glance at my watch; two forty seven. With a tired smile on my face, I head over to Elaine's office.


A.N: I love headaches (i want to remove my brain)

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